
Showing posts from 2013

Revival Month

George Verwer It is a privalege to have the opportunity to meet so many men and women of God. I first met George in Cardiff in 2009, on the Logos Hope Ship (Operation Mobilization) which he is the founder. George was saved, in a Billy Graham Madison Square Garden Mission back in the early 1950's. Soon after his born again conversion George he had a desire to see people saved. His vision has been for the world to see it converted to Jesus Christ. Not forgetting that you evangelize where you are also he gives a very balanced message. Spend time with George Verwer you will realize you are with a very young 75 year old full of energy, and full of the Spirit of God. He was a lot more than I expected! When people who are called as ministers get saved they usually try to be like someone else. Its refreshing to hear someone who is the person God called them to be 'a unique individual' Books available

There Is A Falling Away

I'm waiting For The Double Portion  Some people say, there is not going to be a revival before the return of our Lord Jesus, they are focused on a falling away. There's going to be a great falling away, but in the same way we are going to have the greatest revival the world has ever seen. Gods people are going to shine like lights. I mentioned what God has showed me in some of my resent blogs. I believe both are going to happen. The falling away I believe has started. Calvinism is a demonic teaching used to put the body of Christ at ease, in a state of COMPLACENCY. If Jesus was a live would He be a Calvinist? God forbid! Jesus believed in Evangelism which means that 'The elect principle' can not be true otherwise  Jesus would never have felt the need to evangelize. Jesus was full of GRACE yet He said things like "pick up your cross and follow me" and deny yourself, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul etc.... Jesus had 1

The Clock is Ticking

Will You Be There Its a new month time seems to be moving quicker and quicker! Each day is merging into the next day so quick. We have breakfast get ready for work, go to work, do our work before we know it our work is finished and its time to go home. We have our evening meal watch TV take time out for our families and friends then they day is over. Typically this is how each day is spent, there was a time when people rested on Sundays to really enjoy their families, and go to church but them days are only a memory! I remember the days when we as children call our parents Mom & Dad not by their first names, we were told to respect our elders and not to interrupt when people were talking. To go to church on a Sunday was something most families did, even if they didn't believe. It was rare to here of a shooting in our district it was even safe to leave door open, nowadays its wrong to think about leaving doors open. When people use to speak about the good old days I

Today, The Day of The Lord

It Cannot Wait Until Tomorrow Today might be our last day on earth! Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring? David love God and wanted to build Him a temple, David called a man after Gods own heart was not allowed to build Gods Temple.  The honor was given to Davids son Solomon to build. As ministers, its good to admit that we don't know all the answers, otherwise we would not need others! God designed it for us to work together in harmony as a unit. When the Roman government, told Christians how they should worship Christianity became  mixed with pagan worship. The head of the church is Christ not the Pope neither our Pastors or Bishops. Remember men and women will fail us, we are prone to sin but, God is always faithful so keep your eyes on Him! The bible says'Today if you hear Gods voice don't be stubborn like the rebellious people 'we have all been there'! A fool with out understanding would take their own life (excluding certain circumstances) thinking it

AA Allen Man of God

The Coming Revival I believe in a soon coming revival! 'The Sons of God will be manifested'. We are on the edge of a great move of God greater than ever before. AA Allen really inspires me, his ministry was so miraculously used of God,  that even when He died lies were told about the circumstances as to what happened to him! ( His death certificate says heart failure) It is only natural for the world to talk about Christians, but when christian ministries slander other Christians who operate with The Holy Spirit in The power of God its very unlike Christ to try and tear down what Jesus Christ is building up. My dad spent time with AA Allen in Canada, and He only had good things to say about AA Allen, he was one of Gods great Generals. Many today will never be used the way He was used, with such a bold Faith He knew the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, a God of mercy Justice and Power but also a God who loves to 'Bless'. As a baby I was taken to an AA Allen meetin

Rabbi Meets Jesus

Wisdom From God Visiting my brother one day he told me about a video that I much watch! I wondered what was so urgent, its a bit out of his character, usually he's calm's about most things. He took me into his studio and put on a video about a Jewish Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri. My brother said to me that Jewish people do not accept Jesus so for this Rabbi to say He met Jesus is unbelievable! A person must think when somebody as respected as this Jewish Rabbi, repeats such a thing. Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri at the age of 108 in 2006 left a letter to the Jewish community about The Messiah not to be opened until a year after his death. I believed that God asked Yitzhak Kaduri  to wait a year because, if the letter was revealed straight away people would    this evidence. This is an update of one of my first post. It truly is a blessing All unbeliever should listen to this!

How Can These Things Be

We Must Be Born Again St John chapter 3, it must be the most famous chapter in the Bible, its where we find 'For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3:16) its called the golden text of the bible. Today I would like to state for the record that I believe this statement to be 100% true. Nicodemus a 'Leader of The Jews' came to Jesus at nighttime to ask Him some very serious religious questions, the Bible states. Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the Holy Spirit (John 3:6) explaining, that He's the one who creates the new birth! You may wonder why I'm focusing on this scripture today? The answer is in Jesus. I did not received it from second hand information, or  from someone who claims to know the secrets of God, but its in the written word of God, and is plain for spiritual Christians to see. Why did Jesus go into such detail about being born again?

The Soldier

Faith That Grows,Work That Muscle? I ministered Sunday on the first lesson the Holy Spirit ever taught me it was about faith. In Matt 8:10  there was a Roman Soldier who had what the Bible called a great faith how did it get so grow so big. Lets look into the conversation a little deeper. The Centurion said to Jesus "I am not worthy for you to come under my roof, but speak the word only and my servant will be healed", this shows a humble spirit. He then  said that orders from a commanding officer must be carried out by a lower ranking officer this is still true in any culture even today. Next the centurion explained about his authority, in the high ranking position he had attained too, but still recognizing he had superiors above him who gave himself orders which had to be carried out. He said " I am a man under authority having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, go and he goes; and to another come, and he comes; and to my servant, do this and he does it! That

Benny and Suzanne Hinn Reconciliation

To Be An Example This is an update to my other blog Benny and Suzanne Hinn  Re Married on 3 March 2013 at The Holy Land Experience Church Orlando Florida. They were first married by Suzanne Hinn father Roy Harthern, on the 4 Aug 1979, He and his wife were at the ceremony ( married 62 years). This was a great day of rejoicing for Christian all over the world especially the Hinn children. Jack Hayford ( married 58 years) performed the ceremony, Reinhard Bonnke ( married 49 years) also attended among others. Suzanne Hinn mum sung His eye is on the sparrow ( I love when the family works together). The break down of the marriage was said to be Suzanne Hinn addiction to 'prescription drugs' (like Elvis &Michael Jackson) but she got help. Benny Hinn said hes spent too much time away from Suzanne and He cannot function properly without His wife. It would be a blessing if all christian divorcee's would take a leaf out of Benny's book if you cannot live together for what e

Kathryn Kuhlman Secret

Only In Jesus  Freedom cost everything! Sounds like a contradiction, one thing I know when a man or woman is totally submitted to God, then they are truly free. How is this possible you may ask? Its not true if your not a born again Christian its only real in Jesus.  Kathryn Kuhlman says "God is looking for empty vessels" that's the secret its simply trusting the one, we say we have 'Faith' in. Peter was the only one who stepped out of the boat while his eyes were fixed on Jesus he was unsinkable, but as soon as his focus veered he started to sink. Where is our focus? When we lean on the everlasting arms of Gods and really submit all to Him, our worries will disappear because Jesus will never let us down. We will walk as a spiritual giant and be blessed in all we do, it may not workout the way we expect it but things will prosper the way God wants. Be Blessed Today


Two Become One Man & Woman - (Tricky Topic) We have been married almost 18 years and to be honest its has give me a little insight to divorce! Its not easy at times being with the same person day for such a long time. It healthy to have disagreements I believe every couple argues at some point in their marriage. When we become familiar with people we sometimes take liberties, its the natural progression in a relationships. The key is to always remember why you married the person you are with (love) . This messages is for born again Christians! Don't you know that the Bible says 'God Hate's Divorce' (Malachi 2:6). Our record in church nowadays is not  showing a good example to the world. Paul addressed some issues in the book of Corinthians about the state of the church. Divorced Pastors, Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers etc are teaching the rest of the church to live Holy lives when they are not. I shudder to think about the council they give couple who want to get

The End

Time To Go Home This is a common saying 'The End Draws Near'. What signs are there, that prove without a shadow of a doubt that this generation is near the end time: Below are a few pointers as recorded in Mat 24 where we have some specific questions about the End Time and Jesus return. This is a  running commentary from Jesus! Jesus spoke to me as He has to many others saying 'He is coming soon Tell My People" Therefor I have added my own interpretation at the end! The first sign mentioned was about The Jewish Temple being destroyed, this happened in 70 AD  The major key was the re-establishment of Israel, its God's Clock (Matt 24:16-20). Many will come claiming to be Jesus, this trend is increasing today, people are still following false messiahs. Jesus said when He returns it will be in the clouds and every eye will see Him (Matt 24:30, Acts 1:11 and Revelation 1:17). Jesus said "the blind lead the blind" so when the false messiahs died peopl

Are We Baptized In The Spirit

Not Just By Water By The Holy Spirit Do you know that the devil has his own set of demonic tongues! Its surprising to me  that most minster have no idea about this, therefore whenever they hear tongues they say you have received the baptism in the Spirit. The bible teaches in 1 John 1:4 "to test the spirit". I wonder how many Pastors have any idea abut this principle? Thus Christians are walking around saying that they are baptized with The Holy Spirit but it could be a demonic entity. Ask your self this question how many Christians are walking in victory or power! This is not a condemnation its a fact? Just look at the state of the Church its weak and it operates with very little power. Comparing this to the days of The Apostles we fall short of the mark of the high calling. 'There are times of struggle I'm not trying to mix this from areal baptism experience' The Bible teaches us that we should go from glory to glory. People seemed to start strong then fa

In The Spirit With Jesus

Where Time Is No More I was a bit upset with a Christian friend, it even made me start to wonder was there any real Christians in this world, kneeling at my bedside praying these words I'm gonna do what I want to do and call myself a Christian like everyone else! That very night Jesus appeared to me.  I was humbled bowing at His feet, all that came from my mouth was I Love You Lord . As He rolled back space and time I saw myself  in ungodly situations in the future. It was me because when there is no time your watching yourself but still you are yourself, this is what I was saying  I love you Lord and I wouldn't act like that! You see my problem was thinking 'I' was a perfect Christian, not really understanding were all human and prone to 'self will'. I understood that its only Christ our creator who called us to be like Him and forgive others as He forgave us. It does not matter who we are,  we all make mistakes the key is to ask for forgiveness from your


We Want To See Jesus These words were spoken in John 12:20 and the answer is astounding; it is found in John 12:2-25. Here Jesus explains again that we need to "die to our selfish desires and become more like Jesus." It's called discipline!  "Except a kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die it abides alone, but if it dies, it brings forth a lot of fruit." Our children are influenced by the secular world; with  its teachings about evolution and same sex marriage, etc and some still call themselves Christians! I'm not trying to argue. The Bible makes it clear in Matt 7:13-14 'wide is the gate, broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the road that leads to life  and few find it.'  This is a problem for Christians living like the world, because Jesus should be shining through us! My prayer today is, "draw me closer to you lord! I long for a deeper relationship so the world can see you through me.

Do You Know What You Got

Two Pennies This word dropped into my spirit today. A person had only two coins He never noticed anything special about the coins except  it was enough to buy the items he needed, so he went to a specific shop to get what was required. Later that day he was watching the news on TV,  what he heard almost caused a heart attack. A vary rare coin was discover in the shop where he brought his items.  When the date of the coin was released he realized it was one of the coins that he used in the shop. The moral of the parable is, we as Christians have treasure inside us. If only we realize the potential  that God has placed in us. We need to operated with the little faith we have and allow it would grow to be a big or even a great faith. It is all about our fellowship with Jesus reading, His word, praying doing the woks while it is day Jesus said. Love with action is real love, to say you love, with no action cannot be real love because God is love, it is His nature to give, therefo

Its All About Jesus

Thine Is The Glory, Not Mine Who are we to try and take glory for what belongs to God! Did Peter, John, Paul or Mary The Mother of Jesus die for our sins, No! it was Christ and Christ alone who hung on the cross and shed His blood for mine and your sin.  So who are we following, Calvinism or Arminianism ? What a load of rubbish !  But the debate will go on and the real issues are neglected;  which are, "Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and do you still hear his voice?"  What I am trying to say is 'our' churches belong to God. We are His stewards, and its a privilege to be used by God. "Many are called few are chosen."  By chosen, I mean chosen by our gifting (Apostle, Pastor etc.), to feed the saints of God. Too many ministers are asking for money to satisfy their greed. The bible states How hard it is for a rich man to get into heaven. To have money is not the problem its when money has you! Its not just money; some ministers show

The Call

The Gifts And Calling Are For Everyone This biblical saying which I paraphrased has to be taken in context. The text is found in Romans 11:25. It simply means that you do not have to be a Christian  to have gifts. The gift of prophecy is used by mediums, tarot cards readers, and psychics, etc., and a lot of money is gained from this industry. The bible states, "freely receive and freely give!" What a sobering thought ! I grew up in a Pentecostal church and met a lot of powerful men and women of God, but the thing to remember is God gives gifts. We are supposed to be administrators of the gift if you have a gift of business where everything you touch turns to gold, but you are not a good speaker then support the ministry. people in business should have money to work in God's field by helping and supporting Gods work; that includes, being honest and walking in integrity. I heard about people who were used mightily by God, but then, when the finances started to come in

Just Surrender

Total Surrender Many are asking, "where is the God of the old days  when His Spirit was poured out on the land?"  The question we could ask ourselves is; "are we hearing and doing what God requires from us, or are we doing our own thing and using God's name to justify our actions?  I was at an airport with a friend who asked the question, how much is a flight to Ireland ? the person at the desk started to laugh sarcastically, and then they said, it could vary. What they did not take into account was that the person who asked the question had a mental illness and was going through a crisis. The person at the desk was oblivious to the person's situation.  I was very disappointed to know that a representative who had been employed and put in a place to speak to the public was not very courteous or professional that day. I use this example to show how many of us, at times, act in the same way as we travel through this life. As Christians we often separa

The Day I Met Jesus

The Fear Of The Lord I will never forget the day that the God who created the heavens and earth revealed Himself to me. It the God who Moses met in the Mount of God! How can this be you may as but in the bible Jesus is seen standing by His Father (Acts 7:55). Jesus wants to give his children food so they can grow properly but milk drinkers are giving milk and meat would be too strong for most of us. The Spirit of God  wants to teach us to be obedient to him but we ourselves get in the way Katherine Kuhlman said it cost all to be used fully by god there is a price to pay but its available to all. When God visited me in this encounter I was given a scripture in Exodus 20:20. I would advise people to read this scripture and ask God to reveal the truth to us after all the Bible says its the truth that makes us free !

No Better Way

Not All Roads Lead To Rome I was talking with a friend about choices in life where I was explaining about walking down a road with two paths, one has to be taken. The one to the left leads to our own selfish ambitions and lust, the one to the right is a path with many roads (its a crisis point), where we want to make a change in our life. Many paths are ahead you may choose a road leading to Buddhism another leads to Islam, Hinduism etc but only one of these roads leads to Christ. All roads are dark with very little light and dead bodies are lined up on all roads, except the one with a bright light which is the road to Christ, which road do you choose! Christ has risen from the dead so you can know him all religions follow dead people but as a Christian we follow The Son  of God who will introduce us to the Father so we can have eternal life with Him. We all have choices to make! Make the right choice? 

Tribute R W Schambach

Evangelist Travels Home At 85 Another of Gods Generals has gone home to his reward. Shambach use to travel with AA Allan (who was one of the most powerful ministers of the 20th Centenary). I've been in a couple of meetings with R.W. Shambach who was a true Pentecostal preacher full of the fire of God, I remember he told a story of a man who died in his meeting and they put the dead man in the back until the end of the service. When Shambach was at home in bed he said he remembered the dead man at the back of the church. When he was ministering the next day the dead man testified what happened to him explaining his death ordeal. This is how men and women of god should walk in resurrection power. I will miss his charismatic style and anointed messages. We all have the potential to be mighty children of God the more we submit the more we can be used. then. If we allow the seeds that have been sown through their ministries we will grow and prosper in Jesus name.    

Billy Graham Singer George Beverly Shea Tribute

Going Home At 104  Years Of Age   On 16 April 2013 Billy Graham's lost one of his best known convention singers  He changed a couple of words in How Great Thou Art  which was one of the most famous songs he sung before it was famous and Elvis Presley used the words in the version he sung. My favourite song  sung by Mr Shea was I'd Rather Have Jesus which he composed the music. A rich bass voice unique and outstanding anointed by God to bring people to know Jesus. Gone are the days of the Billy Graham Crusades even though many of his sermons can be watched on video or purchased from Revived  where they have a great range of music and videos from back in the days of the revivals. There are many anointed voices some well known, some are only known by a small minority  but they are anointed to bring revival to the nation my prayer is that God raises up many more who are hungry to do his will and bring millions to Christ.

T.L. Osborn Tribute

T.L. ( Tommy Lee) Osborn I have not been in many church meetings where the minister has not been seen but at a Morris Cerello meeting it was evident that Mr Osborn had learnt to die to self. My mother use to talk about T.L Osborn, she had supported his ministry for over 40 years. He died earlier this year on 14 February 2013 Valentines day He was 89 years of age.  We are loosing a lot of the big name evangelist who were used to pioneer a great move of God in their generation. He was a man who trusted in God with all his heart and finished his race well. When he first travelled to India he did not see any miracles but after attending a meeting and seeing God move in healing, Then he seemed to hear voices say you can do that, the rest is history. Healing The Sick was a best seller book which has been sold all over the world, A true man of God who proved to the world that the God we seve is real. His trips to India transformed the nation so many miracles were recorded that our God cannot

Taming the Tiger Investigation

Let God Be True Sadly we know the rest of the sentence.... and every man a liar! Its sad to know that many people cannot be trusted it is also true that God spoke through a donkey which is a good story for us because most of the times donkeys seem to be in our pulpits! I don't quite understand why someone who is a christian would lie to such an extent for so long. God never exposed the allegation, then again many ministers live in adultery and  greed without exposure. We serve a God who always gives us time to repent but because he is a God of Justice. A price must eventually be paid no matter who we are or who we think we are, God will not be mocked. I love Avanti Ministries they have done a lot of good work and brought many people to Christ if they keep their eyes on Christ they will stand if they allow their eyes to look to man they will surely fall.  I do not Know if the allegations are true and I like what Tony and the team have done, so I'm not taking any sides, Its i

Judgment Beginnings In Gods House

If The Church Scarcely Be Saved When Jesus walked this earth he was often correcting the religious leadership because they were pious and hypocritical in their behavior. Today many church leaders are a bad example to their flock. The reason for this is that while we are in the world the devil already has us on his side. It's only when we give our lives to God and surrender to his will that the devil gets mad and attacks as hard as he can to destroy men and women of God. The answer is found in the bible it says resist the devil and he will flee. Today make a commitment to bring all to the cross afresh as we need food daily so we need to draw close to Jesus!

Revival Is Coming

Are You Ready The bible says that God always looking for us! it shows that we serve a God who by nature just love's but not the kind of love we think where anything goes Gods love is different to the way our natural mind thinks or as the bible puts it his ways are higher than ours Jesus said divorce is because people have hard heats and Moses allowed people to get divorced not God don't be mad with me take it up with God his sheep hear his voice. We all want revival but we don't want to pay the price. I've been searching for over 20 years for the answer to that question? All of a sudden the Spirit of God dropped it in my spirit the answer is just Total Submission to the Spirit of God if you want to be angry with someone be angry with the devil he's the Liar!

House to Church To House

To All Jews & Gentiles  When the church started, the power of the Holy Spirit was evident. The upper room was probably too small for all the new converts to gather, still all believers had to be fed spiritually so they could grow into their ministries. Paul was chosen by Jesus to be an apostle to the gentiles world not Peter as some denominations teach. It was first to the Jews then to the Gentiles but the bible says we are all one in Christ. It's good to know God loved the whole world and never made hell for any human to go, but when we allow the lust of the flesh to dictate how  live, we need to repent, ask for forgiveness and move on! What a mighty God we serve.

Benny Hinn In Wales

Money Money Money I've seen Benny Hinn a few times like most of us sometimes he seems to flow with The Holy Spirit sometimes he seems to be running on old wine. I wonder what Jesus would think about the way ministers are always asking for money, it is a bit disheartening when most people in this world have mental and physical needs like the woman in the bible with the issue of blood. We need ministers who remember what Christ done for us, and if we really love him, we would trust him more. Freely we receive and freely we give all we have belongs to God!

The One And Only

Christ In All Have you noticed that people are still using Christ name for a cuss word after 2000 years, thats got to be a record names family names get passed down from generation to generation but commonly used language usually have some degree of change like homosexuals are called gays, and Jamaicans are called yardies. I'm just stating an opinion I'm not judging The Spirit of God will do that but a I'm trying to point out the power in The Name of Jesus. I know it's an English version of  Yeshua   with the power of God to all believes its a precious name it saves, delivers and it can set you free from slavery to sin. Let's start to think more about the way we use our words let them be a blessing not a curse.

Not The God Of The Dead

The God Of Abraham, Isaac And David Christian's Never die they just sleep. This is why when Christians face persecution they flourish and Christianity spreads. Many gods are followed and worshiped because there is a God that gives everyone the right to choose who they want to serve,  We pick a god that caters to our life style rather than a god who loves us so much that he gave! That's where we have the problem starts, we love to take but have a problem to give. To be Christ like is to live a selfless life. While on the Isle of Lewis I  had the chance to here some amazing testimonies which I will be sharing on my Radio Cardiff Voice of God Show in the near future. Its exciting to hear how God has been moving in different areas of The UK. Remember the days when you could leave you door open! A lady on the island went on holiday and didn't bother to lock her door but as expected everything was as she lef t it. How I long for these days. Think on these things?

Scotland Ready For Revival

Duncan Campbell 1949 This was the date of The Isle of Lewis great revival. It is my first time to visit Scotland, if revival is coming soon it would be easier to start here than any other place I have visited in the UK. I am uploading some famous revival sites from The Isle. The house that shook in Arnold the revival church in Barvas. Meeting people from the first generation of this revival its a privilege, not like in Wales where the first and second generation are gone its only the great grandparents who saw the revival. There is a lot of tradition here which is not helpful but on the other hand people are hungry for a fresh revival. I visited a church and it was a bit disappointing because I thought it was too much of a bless me club with little substance. Visiting house meetings with many different church members in unity showing the love of God and bringing his presence in a tangible way makes you realise revival is near on the Isle of Lewis. The past is the past and will never

Heaven The Only Way

Jesus Is The Answer The bible says that Jesus is the only way to God. Many religions teach that there way is right? So what really separates Christianity from other religions. I would say that Christianity is about a relationship. Other religions teach about a far away god or gods of different circumstances. If we look back at history we realize that Christ disciples died in horrific circumstances because they refuse to bend to the worlds way of living by staying true to the fact that Jesus The Messiah has risen from the dead. The truth is the truth and as disciples we need to stand against the world dictating to us telling us how we should live. Pray for God to direct us and strengthen us to live godly lives acceptable and pleasing to Jesus.

The Holy Spirit In Revival

Not By Might Not By Power But By The Spirit Of God When Jesus left this world after he arose from the dead, He said I am not going away to be with My Father, but I am not going to leave you useless I am going to send to you The Spirit which is on me (Jesus) and through The Holy Spirit  the Apostles would be able to operate the same way Jesus did while He was here on earth. There are a lot of different denominations teaching different theologies and laws some are still following people doctrines like  Calvinism  or  Arminianism but I follow Christ!  He is the one who died for me. Some people say if you do not worship on a certain day you not going to heaven. Most people have no idea about the Godhead or even their own salvation. If a well known minister falls then many people loose Faith! So who are we really following. If we are standing on the Rock (Jesus) our foundation should be solid but if our salvation is standing on our weekly church services were gonna have problems. There

A Media Revival

The Former And Latter Rain Revival many Christians don't like the name some think God will send it when the time is right! Some say it's happening! The Apostle Peter said when quoting Joel there's going to be a Former and Latter Rain referring to a double portion of what had just occurred in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. There is coming a revival where born again believers will walk as Jesus walked. It seems that we are very near this great outpouring for me this is very exciting because I know we are very close to this great move of Gods spirit over our land. 2 Chronicles : 7 v 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Have The Jews Been Replaced

There Is No Plant Without A Root If the root is pulled up the plant is removed too. God has always wanted to have people to love him because of who he is. To love someone it must be proved! This is why God is always checking our heart's and motivation. This might be a strange notion to many but it started in the Garden of Eden and it has not stopped yet. Relationship are built on communication, love is built on fellowship, trust and freedom. Whether or not we are Jew or Gentile if we are not right with God we will be lost but if we walk as Jesus walked people will see the love of God with us and we will be the light to the rest of the world as God created us to be.

In The Land Of Revival

Do It Again Lord  In 1949-1952 The Isle-of-Lewis was a place of Revival when I talk about revival I'm not talking about a man planned meeting, I'm talking about God visiting a place and the atmosphere being saturated with Gods Holy presence! Our human mind's will always find it difficult to understand the things of the Spirit this is why most of us are fickle. True disciples walk in The Spirit of God and are sensitive to his Holy Spirit. Lewis is not the place it use to be but here they still have a reverence and fear of God. It was interesting to meet many of the locals who enthusiastically shared their own experiences. Visiting the Christian book shop it was good to meet some one in the bookshop  who knew the history of the Hebrides Revival. Everyone seemed happy and open to receive us.  Duncan Campbell the revivalist died in the 70's but there are still people around that knew him and even less that remember the revival if you have the opportunity to talk to an

We Must Be Guided By The Spirit Of God

Jesus is The Way The flesh love to do what ever it lust desire it to do! So if it feels good do it? The Bible teaches follow the teachings of Jesus. So what is right in the eyes of God? In St John 17 v 3 Jesus said "Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent" How can this be? In St John 14 through to St John 17 Jesus introduce his Apostles to the Holy Spirit. Letting them know what he will do when He comes. The NASB version states it this way in St John 16 v 8 "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement; These words could be stated as Jesus giving His Last Will & Testimony? He gave us keys to how Gods power will be released on the earth, in chosen earthen vessels yielded to The Holy Spirit of God. If we are truly being led by The Spirit of The Living God we should be able to walk in Love, Truth & Unity.  Many people believe so many different doctrines

What is Truth

The Opposite To A Lie This statement implies that people lie! The bible states in revelations 21 v 8 liars have their place in the lake of fire. I remember hearing this from a friend and I thought God was a bit harsh? But think about it many people have been killed, beaten up, sent to prison or in many ways had their lives ruined because of lies. Take for example a story I heard of a man who was accused of a violent act against a civil servant, he noticed that all the witnesses against him had stories that contradicted each other, yet he was still found guilty. Feeling that the system was against him because of the colour of his skin he appealed to get some justice as the date was set for the new case he was sure the lies would be exposed but again the lies prevailed. When you hear or experience events like these you can understand why God made a place called Hell. It might not seem right to us in our ignorance but God knows why he created a place of torment. Thank God for Jesus

First The Jew

Branches And Roots I believe that true Christianity or The Way is different to what we celebrate today as Christianity.  Unity was the key to living a true Christian life. The New Testament is full of examples where the Apostles had to discuss the problems in the church  "Ekklesia" which means assembly there were no denominations just a body of believers who loved Christ. Jesus give gifts to his body a 5 Fold ministry laid out in Ephesians 4 v 11. These gifts are to help Jesus earthly body (his church) grow into people worthy to be called his name where people see us and want to be like us because they see Jesus Christ in us. The Jews had an understanding of who God was ( See John 4 v 22), their problem was that they did not understand the plan God had to include The Gentiles into the plan of Salvation. We must therefore remember that it was the Jews who turned the world upside down with Christianity ( see Acts 17 v 6) The Gentile (Roman Paganism) entered the church by d

Jamaican Independence Special

Jamaica Land of Reggae As Jamaica celebrates 51 years of Independence tomorrows show will be dedicated to the sweetest gospel music which help bring life to most of the dead churches in the UK. Tune in from 8-10am with Gospelraph & Lady Syreeta listen and you will be blessed

Who Spread The Gospel To The World

Remember To Pray For Israel It is important to remember that Jesus was Jewish and he spread The Word to his Jewish followers. Paul was chosen to teach the gentiles (non-Jewish) followers. The idea was that the Jews were to be the light to the world so God would be magnified in them. The problem arises when what was taught to Christ followers was watered down and compromise entered from the gentile world (Rome). Thus a lot of the ministers are ministering from a gentile perspective and not Holy Spirit led.   This is why it is important to pray for God to send a revival to our nation to raise up his servants full of his Spirit and truth to share the unadulterated word with power. Revival brings people of God together it removes man made barriers, this is why people travel anywhere in the world where God Spirit is moving just to experience the real thing.