Taming the Tiger Investigation
Let God Be True
Sadly we know the rest of the sentence.... and every man a liar!
Its sad to know that many people cannot be trusted it is also true that God spoke through a donkey which is a good story for us because most of the times donkeys seem to be in our pulpits!
I don't quite understand why someone who is a christian would lie to such an extent for so long. God never exposed the allegation, then again many ministers live in adultery and greed without exposure. We serve a God who always gives us time to repent but because he is a God of Justice. A price must eventually be paid no matter who we are or who we think we are, God will not be mocked. I love Avanti Ministries they have done a lot of good work and brought many people to Christ if they keep their eyes on Christ they will stand if they allow their eyes to look to man they will surely fall. I do not Know if the allegations are true and I like what Tony and the team have done, so I'm not taking any sides, Its important to support in prayer our men and women of God spiritually and financially, remember Anthony and his family.
So my friend where are your eyes focused on man or on God!
Sadly we know the rest of the sentence.... and every man a liar!
Its sad to know that many people cannot be trusted it is also true that God spoke through a donkey which is a good story for us because most of the times donkeys seem to be in our pulpits!

So my friend where are your eyes focused on man or on God!
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