Two Become One Man & Woman - (Tricky Topic)
We have been married almost 18 years and to be honest its has give me a little insight to divorce! Its not easy at times being with the same person day for such a long time. It healthy to have disagreements I believe every couple argues at some point in their marriage. When we become familiar with people we sometimes take liberties, its the natural progression in a relationships. The key is to always remember why you married the person you are with (love) .
This messages is for born again Christians! Don't you know that the Bible says 'God Hate's Divorce' (Malachi 2:6). Our record in church nowadays is not showing a good example to the world. Paul addressed some issues in the book of Corinthians about the state of the church. Divorced Pastors, Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers etc are teaching the rest of the church to live Holy lives when they are not. I shudder to think about the council they give couple who want to get divorced!
The Bible has a beautiful scripture found in Romans 8:1 which says "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit". It simply means if a person is walking in the Spirit they will not feel condemned just convicted, when we do wrong, which is healthy for us, it lets us know The Spirit of God is still guiding us. Arthur Burt sings 'Listen to the whispers of God' Amen!
Its important to understand that its not all 'black and white'. There are cases where God would allows divorce in certain situations see Matt 19:9 & 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. God is a God of love and the Bible helps us grow and understand. If we marry a person because we love them, then turn around and divorce them what happened to the love we said we had see 1 Corinthians 13, for example did we not choose to have a relationship with the person we we married, so why blame God for our bad situations, we could have chose to stay single. Life is all about choices, changes, patients not forgetting taxes. In the church we say Homosexuality is an abomination (which the bible teaches), the church is expecting them to change their lifestyles, but we do not lift a finger to control our own lustful desires. This could be one of the reason Homosexuals are so against Christians. Jesus said by our love to each other people will see you are His (Jesus) disciples.
We need you Lord Jesus Help us!
We have been married almost 18 years and to be honest its has give me a little insight to divorce! Its not easy at times being with the same person day for such a long time. It healthy to have disagreements I believe every couple argues at some point in their marriage. When we become familiar with people we sometimes take liberties, its the natural progression in a relationships. The key is to always remember why you married the person you are with (love) .
This messages is for born again Christians! Don't you know that the Bible says 'God Hate's Divorce' (Malachi 2:6). Our record in church nowadays is not showing a good example to the world. Paul addressed some issues in the book of Corinthians about the state of the church. Divorced Pastors, Prophets, Evangelist, Teachers etc are teaching the rest of the church to live Holy lives when they are not. I shudder to think about the council they give couple who want to get divorced!

Its important to understand that its not all 'black and white'. There are cases where God would allows divorce in certain situations see Matt 19:9 & 1 Corinthians 7:10-11. God is a God of love and the Bible helps us grow and understand. If we marry a person because we love them, then turn around and divorce them what happened to the love we said we had see 1 Corinthians 13, for example did we not choose to have a relationship with the person we we married, so why blame God for our bad situations, we could have chose to stay single. Life is all about choices, changes, patients not forgetting taxes. In the church we say Homosexuality is an abomination (which the bible teaches), the church is expecting them to change their lifestyles, but we do not lift a finger to control our own lustful desires. This could be one of the reason Homosexuals are so against Christians. Jesus said by our love to each other people will see you are His (Jesus) disciples.
We need you Lord Jesus Help us!
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