Tribute R W Schambach
Evangelist Travels Home At 85
Another of Gods Generals has gone home to his reward. Shambach use to travel with AA Allan (who was one of the most powerful ministers of the 20th Centenary). I've been in a couple of meetings with R.W. Shambach who was a true Pentecostal preacher full of the fire of God, I remember he told a story of a man who died in his meeting and they put the dead man in the back until the end of the service. When Shambach was at home in bed he said he remembered the dead man at the back of the church. When he was ministering the next day the dead man testified what happened to him explaining his death ordeal. This is how men and women of god should walk in resurrection power. I will miss his charismatic style and anointed messages. We all have the potential to be mighty children of God the more we submit the more we can be used. then. If we allow the seeds that have been sown through their ministries we will grow and prosper in Jesus name.

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