Billy Graham Singer George Beverly Shea Tribute
Going Home At 104 Years Of Age
On 16 April 2013 Billy Graham's lost one of his best known convention singers He changed a couple of words in How Great Thou Art which was one of the most famous songs he sung before it was famous and Elvis Presley used the words in the version he sung. My favourite song sung by Mr Shea was I'd Rather Have Jesus which he composed the music. A rich bass voice unique and outstanding anointed by God to bring people to know Jesus. Gone are the days of the Billy Graham Crusades even though many of his sermons can be watched on video or purchased from Revived where they have a great range of music and videos from back in the days of the revivals. There are many anointed voices some well known, some are only known by a small minority but they are anointed to bring revival to the nation my prayer is that God raises up many more who are hungry to do his will and bring millions
to Christ.

to Christ.
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