The End

Time To Go Home
This is a common saying 'The End Draws Near'.
What signs are there, that prove without a shadow of a doubt that this generation is near the end time:
Below are a few pointers as recorded in Mat 24 where we have some specific questions about the End Time and Jesus return. This is a  running commentary from Jesus!
Jesus spoke to me as He has to many others saying 'He is coming soon Tell My People" Therefor I have added my own interpretation at the end!
  1. The first sign mentioned was about The Jewish Temple being destroyed, this happened in 70 AD
  2.  The major key was the re-establishment of Israel, its God's Clock (Matt 24:16-20).
  3. Many will come claiming to be Jesus, this trend is increasing today, people are still following false messiahs. Jesus said when He returns it will be in the clouds and every eye will see Him (Matt 24:30, Acts 1:11 and Revelation 1:17). Jesus said "the blind lead the blind" so when the false messiahs died people start to justify what the cult leader really was trying to say about their divinity!
  4. We are in the times as it was in Noah's days where anything goes (Matt 24:37).
  5. The Bible also lets us know that in the End Time we will not be able to buy or sell without a Mark 666. This is the first generation where the technology exist (Revelation 13:17). 
There is so much information with good teaching on the End Times on the net.
We are heading towards a One World Government, as it states in Daniel. Soon a False Prophet will arise who will support a political leader who will help bring in the peace with Israel, The Bible stated that a Temple will be built in Israel again. The Jews will be able to worship God in peace until the political leader shows his true colours and stop The Jews from worshiping God and let them know that worship must be to him, We call him the Anti Christ.

Always be prepared and ready re dedicate your life to God on a daily basis, submit your self to the leading of The Holy Spirit.


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