The Soldier

Faith That Grows,Work That Muscle?

I ministered Sunday on the first lesson the Holy Spirit ever taught me it was about faith.
In Matt 8:10  there was a Roman Soldier who had what the Bible called a great faith how did it get so grow so big. Lets look into the conversation a little deeper.
The Centurion said to Jesus "I am not worthy for you to come under my roof, but speak the word only and my servant will be healed", this shows a humble spirit. He then  said that orders from a commanding officer must be carried out by a lower ranking officer this is still true in any culture even today. Next the centurion explained about his authority, in the high ranking position he had attained too, but still recognizing he had superiors above him who gave himself orders which had to be carried out. He said " I am a man under authority having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, go and he goes; and to another come, and he comes; and to my servant, do this and he does it! That is a great understanding of the authority that God gave to man through order.
As my friend Arthur Burt would say 'the greater includes the lesser'  true authority and power comes from God who spoke the world into existence, with the creative word in the beginning. the centurion seemed  to grasp this concept after all the Bible states that 'Faith come by hearing the word of God'  Romans 10:17, is this the key to understanding Faith that 'creates'
The answer Jesus gave was I have not found so great faith not in all of Israel!
It would be great to be known as a man or woman of faith like this, as stated it come by hearing, reading praying and trusting God by drawing close to the only true God.

An example of army life and discipline:
When you are in the army your life is not your own the army owns you, they tell you what time you go to bed and what time to wake up, what clothes to put on, where you live and where you sleep etc its called discipline. Disobeying an order from a higher ranking office could lead to a court Marshall. It is essential that you do exactly what your asked to do when you are asked to do it, this could mean the difference between life and death.


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