How Can These Things Be
We Must Be Born Again
St John chapter 3, it must be the most famous chapter in the Bible, its where we find 'For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3:16) its called the golden text of the bible.
Today I would like to state for the record that I believe this statement to be 100% true.
Nicodemus a 'Leader of The Jews' came to Jesus at nighttime to ask Him some very serious religious questions, the Bible states.
Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the Holy Spirit (John 3:6) explaining, that He's the one who creates the new birth!
You may wonder why I'm focusing on this scripture today?
The answer is in Jesus.
I did not received it from second hand information, or from someone who claims to know the secrets of God, but its in the written word of God, and is plain for spiritual Christians to see.
Why did Jesus go into such detail about being born again?
Did He not say unless we are born again (John 3:3) we cannot even see the kingdom of Heaven!
Therefore their must be a time in ones life, where every person must be born again, to be a child of God. Jesus said " That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh (this is how we come into the world) and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
When I hear people say to me 'That they have always been Christians'll their lives, I always ask them what do they mean, its like the old cliche 'because a person visits a garage, everyday of their life, its doesn't make them a 'car'.

I like to use the three examples:
Every one must give account for what they say and what they do. My blogs are to help people think about their own christian walk, in the same way I must examine mine. These blogs are not meant to condemn in any way. I do not think a true child of God seeking His face and hungry for more of Jesus will feel commended.
My testimony can be found on my website
I was brought up in church my Father and Mother were both ministers of the gospel. I was mostly top of our Sunday school classes and knew the scriptures pretty well, yet still I did not have a father son relationship with Christ, many people would say to me I did. Then one night while in a night club The Spirit of God started to convict me of my life style.
I remember giving my life to God as a child answering many alter calls but I still was not right. Then Jesus spoke to me, he said give your heart to me or your going to burn. I knew then, that just because a person goes to church all there life it doesn't make them a Christian. You might say that that's your own personal experience, and its true it was, but remember Jesus spoke to Nicodemus a Jewish man who went to the synagogue and was brought up to know God, yet still he was lacking that new birth experience of course! but it was yet to come an experience to change all the disciples which was recognizable to all who knew them.
St John chapter 3, it must be the most famous chapter in the Bible, its where we find 'For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3:16) its called the golden text of the bible.
Today I would like to state for the record that I believe this statement to be 100% true.
Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the Holy Spirit (John 3:6) explaining, that He's the one who creates the new birth!
You may wonder why I'm focusing on this scripture today?
The answer is in Jesus.
I did not received it from second hand information, or from someone who claims to know the secrets of God, but its in the written word of God, and is plain for spiritual Christians to see.
Why did Jesus go into such detail about being born again?
Did He not say unless we are born again (John 3:3) we cannot even see the kingdom of Heaven!
Therefore their must be a time in ones life, where every person must be born again, to be a child of God. Jesus said " That which is born of the Flesh is Flesh (this is how we come into the world) and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
When I hear people say to me 'That they have always been Christians'll their lives, I always ask them what do they mean, its like the old cliche 'because a person visits a garage, everyday of their life, its doesn't make them a 'car'.

I like to use the three examples:
- If a person is born again a change occurs,'Things I use to do I do no more' things just start to drop off people notice a difference etc.
- When a person is Baptized in water they go in to the water dry, but on exiting, they come out wet.
- In the same way, when a person is truly Baptized with The Holy Spirit there is a difference something must happen (speaking in tongues, walking with a new power).
Every one must give account for what they say and what they do. My blogs are to help people think about their own christian walk, in the same way I must examine mine. These blogs are not meant to condemn in any way. I do not think a true child of God seeking His face and hungry for more of Jesus will feel commended.
My testimony can be found on my website
I was brought up in church my Father and Mother were both ministers of the gospel. I was mostly top of our Sunday school classes and knew the scriptures pretty well, yet still I did not have a father son relationship with Christ, many people would say to me I did. Then one night while in a night club The Spirit of God started to convict me of my life style.
I remember giving my life to God as a child answering many alter calls but I still was not right. Then Jesus spoke to me, he said give your heart to me or your going to burn. I knew then, that just because a person goes to church all there life it doesn't make them a Christian. You might say that that's your own personal experience, and its true it was, but remember Jesus spoke to Nicodemus a Jewish man who went to the synagogue and was brought up to know God, yet still he was lacking that new birth experience of course! but it was yet to come an experience to change all the disciples which was recognizable to all who knew them.
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