Times Are Changing
Mark of the Beast
It’s clear for
people to see and understand that something is going on in the world. A
year ago this ‘Pandemic’ which we are all experiencing could not have been
But when you read the bible in revelations it clearly states that in the end times nobody can buy or sell without the mark of the beast! This is the reason the bible is The Word of God because it’s so accurate.
I believe that Track and Trace will fail and a more permanent solution will be needed, this will open the door to chip implants as a fore runner to the full mark implications!
We have seen that man is not in control of life because when a person’s time is up there nothing that can be done, sure we can delay the outcome for a while but the fact is the day will come for us when we need to leave this world.
My question is, are we going to accept the soon coming mark of the beast or not. Thing will look good as the mark will offer protection but in reality it’s the Devils plan to control everyone he can.
We need to make sure God is on our side.
It’s not about saying a prayer and thinking everything is fine now!
It’s not about the church you attend no!
It’s not your family or friends
Its about do you know Jesus like a Teacher knows his pupil?
There no formula its about seeking God and trusting in his word and following Jesus example.

But when you read the bible in revelations it clearly states that in the end times nobody can buy or sell without the mark of the beast! This is the reason the bible is The Word of God because it’s so accurate.
I believe that Track and Trace will fail and a more permanent solution will be needed, this will open the door to chip implants as a fore runner to the full mark implications!
We have seen that man is not in control of life because when a person’s time is up there nothing that can be done, sure we can delay the outcome for a while but the fact is the day will come for us when we need to leave this world.
My question is, are we going to accept the soon coming mark of the beast or not. Thing will look good as the mark will offer protection but in reality it’s the Devils plan to control everyone he can.
We need to make sure God is on our side.
It’s not about saying a prayer and thinking everything is fine now!
It’s not about the church you attend no!
It’s not your family or friends
Its about do you know Jesus like a Teacher knows his pupil?
There no formula its about seeking God and trusting in his word and following Jesus example.
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