Just Surrender

Total Surrender

Many are asking, "where is the God of the old days  when His Spirit was poured out on the land?"  The question we could ask ourselves is; "are we hearing and doing what God requires from us, or are we doing our own thing and using God's name to justify our actions? 

I was at an airport with a friend who asked the question, how much is a flight to Ireland? the person at the desk started to laugh sarcastically, and then they said, it could vary. What they did not take into account was that the person who asked the question had a mental illness and was going through a crisis. The person at the desk was oblivious to the person's situation.  I was very disappointed to know that a representative who had been employed and put in a place to speak to the public was not very courteous or professional that day.

I use this example to show how many of us, at times, act in the same way as we travel through this life. As Christians we often separate our work from our walk with Christ; we separate our money from our walk, we also separate the entertainment we get involved in from our Christian walk!  The list could go on about how we separate who or what we are from our Christian duty, knowing that in reality Jesus said give up all and be His disciple.  "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his own soul".  I'm not implying that poverty is from God because I do not think it is, there is a principle of sowing and reaping if you're living the Christian life and doing right, you will receive a blessing. 
Think on these things!


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