An Amazing Film

Grace Card
I hereby promise to:

1.     Pray for you every day
2.     Ask for forgiveness
3.     Grant you the same
4.     Be your friend always

 A roll call is given at a police station, officer Wright has just been promoted to Sgt Sam Wright, while he is waiting for his transfer he is asked to partnership with officer Mac McDonald, a racist who hates everything and everyone. Sam is a part time pastor who is called to love everyone.

Is this partnership, a heavier load than what can be expected?

Mac McDonald has a wife named Sarah who is trying her best to keep the family together but to no avail. Father and teenage son just can’t get along, they both seemed to have hit rock bottom.

Sarah McDonald starts to see a psychiatrist about their son but she realises that the problem runs through the whole family.
In contrast to Sgt Wright his problems stems from the love he is supposed to walk in, now faces a blatant racist how is he going too deal with this situation that he has no control over?

This is truly a clash of two kingdom’s what the outcome will be is obvious. The lessons both men must learn is thought-provoking and unusual.

This film is a must for all races and age groups, it is full of wisdom, but also realistic a moving and powerful story line with one of the best endings of any film I have ever seen.

Check out the Grace Card


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