Muslim Challenge Christians

Is Allah God Mohammed or Jesus?

I believe Christians should govern the world, who ever said separate Church from state got it wrong even though the church very rarely gets thing right, there are so many denominations that Christians are confused about what the truth is.

When I stated that Christians should govern the world I’m talking about people like King David, who The Bible said was a man after Gods heart. Dr Martin Luther King Jnr would have got it right. Abraham Lincoln was a good leader and many others; the problem is that many people behind our leaders give bad council.   

This blog is specifically aimed at Islam, it has been in the news with bad press since 11 September 2001, on one hand people blame the Muslims, on the other hand many people became Muslims claiming it’s a conspiracy against Islam!

A person can believe what they want to believe, and thank God for that, but I wonder how many western Muslims would actually live in a Muslim state under sharia Law.

Why would a women allow their husband to have up to four wives is that love? I call it selfishness and discriminating, only a foolish woman would agree to something like that!

Christians call God Father because he communicates with us but Muslims cannot understand a loving God. Allah is a far away unreachable God.

God, who can do all things allow Mary a virgin woman to have a baby without a human father. He must can only be the Son of God Jesus came to take away the sins of the world. That’s why he cannot be rated the same as any prophet who has an earthly father!

To rate all prophets the same is foolish, the bible talks about false prophets, it also talks about Jesus who was greater than Moses (see Deuteronomy 18:18) therefore to put Mohamed or any other prophet in the category as Jesus simply doesn’t make sense.
Jesus said the blind will lead the blind Matthew 15:14  

False Prophets Beware




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