The Day I Met Jesus
The Fear Of The Lord
I will never forget the day that the God who created the heavens and earth revealed Himself to me. It the God who Moses met in the Mount of God! How can this be you may as but in the bible Jesus is seen standing by His Father (Acts 7:55). Jesus wants to give his children food so they can grow properly but milk drinkers are giving milk and meat would be too strong for most of us. The Spirit of God wants to teach us to be obedient to him but we ourselves get in the way Katherine Kuhlman said it cost all to be used fully by god there is a price to pay but its available to all. When God visited me in this encounter I was given a scripture in Exodus 20:20. I would advise people to read this scripture and ask God to reveal the truth to us after all the Bible says its the truth that makes us free!

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