T.L. Osborn Tribute
T.L. (Tommy Lee) Osborn
I have not been in many church meetings where the minister has not been seen but at a Morris Cerello meeting it was evident that Mr Osborn had learnt to die to self. My mother use to talk about T.L Osborn, she had supported his ministry for over 40 years. He died earlier this year on 14 February 2013 Valentines day He was 89 years of age. We are loosing a lot of the big name evangelist who were used to pioneer a great move of God in their generation. He was a man who trusted in God with all his heart and finished his race well. When he first travelled to India he did not see any miracles but after attending a meeting and seeing God move in healing, Then he seemed to hear voices say you can do that, the rest is history. Healing The Sick was a best seller book which has been sold all over the world, A true man of God who proved to the world that the God we seve is real. His trips to India transformed the nation so many miracles were recorded that our God cannot be disproved.

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