Its All About Jesus
Thine Is The Glory, Not Mine
Who are we to try and take glory for what belongs to God! Did Peter, John, Paul or Mary The Mother of Jesus die for our sins, No! it was Christ and Christ alone who hung on the cross and shed His blood for mine and your sin. So who are we following, Calvinism or Arminianism ? What a load of rubbish ! But the debate will go on and the real issues are neglected; which are, "Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and do you still hear his voice?" What I am trying to say is 'our' churches belong to God. We are His stewards, and its a privilege to be used by God. "Many are called few are chosen." By chosen, I mean chosen by our gifting (Apostle, Pastor etc.), to feed the saints of God.
Too many ministers are asking for money to satisfy their greed. The bible states How hard it is for a rich man to get into heaven. To have money is not the problem its when money has you! Its not just money; some ministers show off about the size of their congregation or how many members became Christians in there church. Miracles come from God ! I love to see the miraculous, but by definition of the word, its by a supernatural power, so why take credit. Its not about you, (O foolish Galatians), its about Christ! What is the reason you minister? Is it because you are seeking the kingdom of heaven on earth, or are you just bragging about your accomplishments trying to gain fame? I think many of us have "been there."
Don't you think its time to re-evaluate you commitment to God !

Too many ministers are asking for money to satisfy their greed. The bible states How hard it is for a rich man to get into heaven. To have money is not the problem its when money has you! Its not just money; some ministers show off about the size of their congregation or how many members became Christians in there church. Miracles come from God ! I love to see the miraculous, but by definition of the word, its by a supernatural power, so why take credit. Its not about you, (O foolish Galatians), its about Christ! What is the reason you minister? Is it because you are seeking the kingdom of heaven on earth, or are you just bragging about your accomplishments trying to gain fame? I think many of us have "been there."
Don't you think its time to re-evaluate you commitment to God !
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