Benny and Suzanne Hinn Reconciliation

To Be An Example

This is an update to my other blog Benny and Suzanne Hinn  Re Married on 3 March 2013 at The Holy Land Experience Church Orlando Florida. They were first married by Suzanne Hinn father Roy Harthern, on the 4 Aug 1979, He and his wife were at the ceremony ( married 62 years). This was a great day of rejoicing for Christian all over the world especially the Hinn children. Jack Hayford ( married 58 years) performed the ceremony, Reinhard Bonnke ( married 49 years) also attended among others. Suzanne Hinn mum sung His eye is on the sparrow ( I love when the family works together). The break down of the marriage was said to be Suzanne Hinn addiction to 'prescription drugs' (like Elvis &Michael Jackson) but she got help. Benny Hinn said hes spent too much time away from Suzanne and He cannot function properly without His wife.
It would be a blessing if all christian divorcee's would take a leaf out of Benny's book if you cannot live together for what ever reason separate don't divorce work out your differences no matter how long it takes.
Trust God if He put you together he can help you work it out, start courting again, lose your attitude, stop pulling each other down start to bless each in other! take stock to how you address each other.

I would  like to add a personal word when God establishes certain principles no matter what we do they cannot be broken. no not even by 'GRACE' or any other interpretation (please see my blog about 'Divorce'
I mention Gods love and exceptions)
Here are may add here are three examples

  1. Marriage between a man and woman was instituted by God before the fall.(Gen 2:21-24)
  2. God promised to put a seed (Jesus) in the woman (Gen 3:15)
  3. The rainbow was God's reminder to Himself not to flood the whole earth ever again. (Gen 9:11-15)
The next point I want to make was in Gen 3:16-17 God decreed to the man and woman their roles. This is where in a modern world and western culture it gets complicated.

The Husband was given instructions to work and provide, also He was made head of the family. With the state of the families in today's world this might be seen as a sexist attitude or strange concept if so please feel free to elaborate using scripture, I know the bible says there is neither Jew, Gentile,man or Woman etc.. When it comes to a persons position in the body of Christ it makes sense. If God is using a person to minister in any way we should all submit to the Spirit of God.

The family structure is different Paul states in 1 Corinthians 11:3 that Christ is the head of every and the head of woman is man also in Ephesians 5:21-33 you have an instruction about submitting one to another love should allow this, but there is also an order which is what helps keep things in order let me further explain in Ephesians 6:1-4 you will find instructions about children and parents, we should all agree with that one, then following onto verse 5-7 it expands what God expects to the work place where we should all be in subjected to the 'Boss' because Jesus requires it from us.

If we are head or in charge it does not give anybody the right to be a tyrant we need to understand if we do not love people we cannot love God

I hope this has been a blessing
There is a lot of information about his Mr Hinn and  his ministry on the web see addresses


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