Revival Month

George Verwer

It is a privalege to have the opportunity to meet so many men and women of God. I first met George in Cardiff in 2009, on the Logos Hope Ship (Operation Mobilization) which he is the founder. George was saved, in a Billy Graham Madison Square Garden Mission back in the early 1950's. Soon after his born again conversion George he had a desire to see people saved. His vision has been for the world to see it converted to Jesus Christ. Not forgetting that you evangelize where you are also he gives a very balanced message. Spend time with George Verwer you will realize you are with a very young 75 year old full of energy, and full of the Spirit of God. He was a lot more than I expected! When people who are called as ministers get saved they usually try to be like someone else.
Its refreshing to hear someone who is the person God called them to be 'a unique individual'
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