Today, The Day of The Lord

It Cannot Wait Until Tomorrow

Today might be our last day on earth!
Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring? David love God and wanted to build Him a temple,
David called a man after Gods own heart was not allowed to build Gods Temple.  The honor was given to Davids son Solomon to build. As ministers, its good to admit that we don't know all the answers, otherwise we would not need others!
God designed it for us to work together in harmony as a unit. When the Roman government, told Christians how they should worship Christianity became  mixed with pagan worship. The head of the church is Christ not the Pope neither our Pastors or Bishops.
Remember men and women will fail us, we are prone to sin but, God is always faithful so keep your eyes on Him!

The bible says'Today if you hear Gods voice don't be stubborn like the rebellious people 'we have all been there'!
A fool with out understanding would take their own life (excluding certain circumstances) thinking it would ease their pain and suffering. There is another life after this which could inflict much more pain and agony than we could ever imagine or bear. Then again it could be more glorious than we can think or imagine.

Jesus has the only key to get into Heaven.
Jesus is not dead like other religious leaders, He's alive therefore we Christians have a relationship with Him.
There is no door or lock to Hell any person living without recognizing Jesus their Lord and saviour has a free travel ticket.
Jesus is the one who died for us!
So why take a chance expecting tomorrow to get right with God which might never be a gift to us.
Lets get right with God today!

Follow Christ  'The only way is up'.  


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