The Clock is Ticking

Will You Be There

Its a new month time seems to be moving quicker and quicker!
Each day is merging into the next day so quick. We have breakfast get ready for work, go to work, do our work before we know it our work is finished and its time to go home. We have our evening meal watch TV take time out for our families and friends then they day is over.
Typically this is how each day is spent, there was a time when people rested on Sundays to really enjoy their families, and go to church
but them days are only a memory!

I remember the days when we as children call our parents Mom & Dad not by their first names, we were told to respect our elders and not to interrupt when people were talking. To go to church on a Sunday was something most families did, even if they didn't believe.

It was rare to here of a shooting in our district it was even safe to leave door open, nowadays its wrong to think about leaving doors open.
When people use to speak about the good old days I thought they lacked understanding. The good old days are truly gone people are scared to walk on the street in the day! Guns are rampant people need drugs to get through the day, children are committing horrendous crimes against children. Global terrorism is in our everyday language no one is safe any more.

People hate Christians all over the world for no apparent reason except we want to do good as Jesus commanded us to.

My question today is will you be in that number when we are called to our heavenly home.
Are you in right relationship with Jesus.


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