Scotland Ready For Revival

Duncan Campbell 1949
This was the date of The Isle of Lewis great revival. It is my first time to visit Scotland, if revival is coming soon it would be easier to start here than any other place I have visited in the UK. I am uploading some famous revival sites from The Isle. The house that shook in Arnold the revival church in Barvas. Meeting people from the first generation of this revival its a privilege, not like in Wales where the first and second generation are gone its only the great grandparents who saw the revival. There is a lot of tradition here which is not helpful but on the other hand people are hungry for a fresh revival. I visited a church and it was a bit disappointing because I thought it was too much of a bless me club with little substance. Visiting house meetings with many different church members in unity showing the love of God and bringing his presence in a tangible way makes you realise revival is near on the Isle of Lewis.

The past is the past and will never be repeated the  same again. When looking back on revival you can only use it for an example. Looking forward to the revival to come where the children of God will be walking like Jesus and signs and wonders will follow the believers. This is what I believe the next revival  will bring. The Bible puts it this way  were waiting for The manifestation of The sons of God  Romans 8 v 19


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