The Holy Spirit In Revival

Not By Might Not By Power But By The Spirit Of God

When Jesus left this world after he arose from the dead, He said I am not going away to be with My Father, but I am not going to leave you useless I am going to send to you The Spirit which is on me (Jesus) and through The Holy Spirit  the Apostles would be able to operate the same way Jesus did while He was here on earth.
There are a lot of different denominations teaching different theologies and laws some are still following people doctrines like Calvinism or Arminianism but I follow Christ! He is the one who died for me.
Some people say if you do not worship on a certain day you not going to heaven. Most people have no idea about the Godhead or even their own salvation. If a well known minister falls then many people loose Faith! So who are we really following. If we are standing on the Rock (Jesus) our foundation should be solid but if our salvation is standing on our weekly church services were gonna have problems. There is a doctrine that speaks about there no more sin once your saved but if your not save you have blasphemed The Holy Ghost. The Bible I read said The Holy Spirit when he comes He will convict of Sin! it is part of His Job Description. People know the world is in a state and we as Christians wonder why I believe its because the world has gone in to the church and the church likes it it brings people which brings money. 
 I thank God its not all doom and gloom Arthur Burt speaks about the revival that has no ebb, its on the way its gonna be a time when a healing river will flow praise the Lord Jesus it wont be very long.


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