What Is The World Coming Too

Did Jesus Really Teach That?

There is a way that appears right to a us but usually is our own selfish way! Proverbs 14:12 I just paraphrased the verse.
Sunday Morning I was speaking to my good friend Stephen Johnson, while he was presenting his show The Lime, he related an incident that happened to him while he was riding his push bike. A motorist deliberately run in to him.
It's dreadful to think that a person would do something like that, for no apparent reason! What is even more astounding was that while he was down and bleeding nobody stopped to help!

Hence my title 'What Is The World Coming Too' what kind of world are we living in, when I was a child in my hometown of Cardiff it was very rare to hear of a fight where a knife was involved, but nowadays gun crime is a common thing.

Two thing I have  learnt  from my observations:
1 When children are killing children there is a problem our moral system
2 Violence, theft, lying etc seem to be part of every day life without any conscience that its wrong (Sin)

Even the word sin and repent are not being used much any more, the bible teaches if the righteous scarcely be saved... 1 Peter 4:18.
It is strange when I hear people from different religions talk about their god, they cannot understand relationship with The God who created the heavens and earth. Dead religion cannot save anyone!
To follow a religion just because your parents follow one is foolish.
There is an old saying 'God has no grandchildren' how true this is.
I'm not saying don't bring up your children to know God.  It is important to do this, we need moral instruction, what I am saying is we need to know God for ourselves as a father and friend.

We can change the world as individuals by  taking responsibility for our actions lets do what right The Bible puts it this way 'Do unto others what you would like them to do to you'

My prayer today is Lord let me do the right things for the right reasons  


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