How To Hear From God

Seek God With All Your Heart

Many Christians grow cold with age but the bible teaches us to go from 'glory to glory' 2 Corinthians 3:18, of course I am including myself because we go through what we call wilderness periods.
What I have come to realise is we sometime stay in the wilderness too long.
Jesus was moved by The Holy Spirit to spent 40 days in the desert before He started His ministry, Jessu constantly communed with God for direction, according to His own words in St John 5:19.

This morning and last night this phrase came to my spirit 'Seek God With All Your Heart' its from  Jeremiah 29:30, we find the words "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" . In my communion time this morning I read the answer given by Jesus in Matthew 22:37 which states Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind!

Sometimes its seems that our burdens are too heavy for us but if we just keep trusting God and trusting we will get the answer, if it seems that the answer is not coming just keep praising God He will not let you down.

It might be easy for someone to say it will be alright in the end. While we live trials and sickness will come to us or people we know, but this I can say without a shadow of a doubt 'If we are living as we should without unforgiveness, anger, bitterness or strife etc in other words showing the love Jesus demonstrated then as the bible stated in Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to them who love The Lord and are called according to His purpose.

Everything we need to live the Christian life is in the bible as long as we stay sensitive to The Holy Spirit who always says what Jesus says.
Be blessed today and submit to God then we can resist the devil and he will flea James 4:7

To love Jesus is to share Him with the world or in your circle.

My prayer today is to stay focused on the work you have me here for and to finish the race and Jesus say to me well done my faithful servant.


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