One Too Watch

This is an excellent film showing how all different races of people can share life together, without any discrimination. That is how life should be, where we learn to work together as one human race!

Trials and temptations come to us all, we need each other to get through the good and bad times.
It's a shame families cannot even show love towards one another! If you think this is a false statement look at the divorces rate in the 'churches' and children who have no respect for their parent or adults.

Its not all doom and gloom if we taught our families and prayed for the government and lived lives that were pleasing to God there would be a change.
Sam Cooke penned a song called 'A Change is Gonna Come' we are on the edge of a move again, where the church is getting it's self right with God!
I believe its gonna bring a separation between the true Christians and anything goes Christians, so we need to know our personal walk is right. Its not about taking the mote out of my brothers eye, its about my personal relationship with the risen Jesus Christ.

Look at the films, coming out of Hollywood it can be seen that the world is moving towards a Spiritual wake up.

Too much second hand rubbish is being preached! By that I mean sermons that have been 'copied and pasted' rather than birthed out of prayer and waiting on God.

This film will give us an understanding about helping people, as the good Samaritan did, its would be good if we didn't judge people by what we see! but as Martin Luther King Jr said by the content of their hearts. This is a well thought of movie its not what some people might see as a true christian film but it deals with real life issues.
Jesus said we will be know by the love we have for each other!
Watch and be blessed
Available from Authentic Media 

My Prayer Today 'Lord give me strength to do right to others today'


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