The Calvary Road

Walking The Walk Or Just Talking

A friend of mine who is a Muslim, not a convert he was brought as one in a muslin country belonging to a muslim family. We talk without arguing, about our faith I have read the Quran because its not good to be ignorant about what people believe. My main point, when we speak, is that Christians have a second birth, it comes from God, as we are born again through The Holy Spirit.
That is what separates us from every religion, wen have our relationship through Jesus Christ!
The bible teaches us that 'Flesh gives birth to flesh that's the natural man and Spirit gives birth to Spirit John 3:3. Unless we have the 'Born Again' experience we cannot even see the kingdom of God!
There is a problem with some churches, they don't seem to be under the influence of The Holy Spirit
Acts 19:2.
How are we going to affect the world for Jesus Christ if we are walking just like the world!
I'm not saying that we can walk sinless, no I'm saying confess it to God repent and move on, don't dwell on it. We do not receive because we don't ask don't stay in condemnation.
Some churches teach its okay to walk in sin, others teach there is no sin any more Jesus cancelled that out when He died on the cross, (why did Jesus say pick up your cross daily?) .
I did a blog and titled it ' What is the world coming too!) maybe I should have named it what is the church coming to!

There is a book called 'The Calvary Road' by Roy Hession it is a powerful book George Verwer gives these books away, if you ever get a chance to see him, or you could contact him. He sent me a copy, it will really bless you and stir you up into walking the true Christian life.
It gives practical advice about being a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus said to His Apostles make disciples, these are people who are willing to give up all to follow Jesus.
This is why Jesus talked about counting the cost, not to put people off just to let us know that trials and tribulations come to test us, to see what we are made of. Will we stand strong of fall away.
Our problem is people or peer pressure! no one wants to look bad our ego's are too big and we don't want to hurt them.
You don't expect me to say I'm wrong or sorry do you!
Pride has turned many to the broad road!
There a song which simple says "I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold" how many of us would really look deep in our hearts and agree with that statement!
How many of us would really be willing, if so be it to give our lives for our faith in Jesus?
Do we put Jesus before family, or do we say it, because it sounds good!
God help us if we are here in what the bible calls perilous times.
Ephesians 6:11 put on all the Armour of God to me this means we need to be ready as soldiers of Jesus Christ, when people of other religions see up let them see Christ in us by showing love for each other.

A side note we are all called to be part of Gods army in some way, from supporting the gospel to preaching!


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