Once Saved Always Saved?


Another heavy topic, while talking with a friend yesterday we discussed this topic for a few minutes. I put this scenario to him:
Two boys grew up together both give their hearts to the Lord while young, one believed in 'once save always saved (Tony)', the other did  not(Mike).
Both loved the Lord Jesus and did what they believed to be right.
They both believed that if you truly loved God you would not sin!
Mike had a lot of trials living the Christian life and backslide he knew he was living a life that was contradiction to The Word of God yet he continued on this path to destruction.
Tony on the other hand stayed true to the word of God believing He was alright because he was living as a christian should because he knew he was fully saved.

Both died and faced God in judgment Mike faced God  first and was told you knew to live a life that was pleasing to me but you decided to walk in your own selfish ways so depart from me to your just punishment.
Tony was next to face God and he was told to enter into the joy of the Lord.
Tony asked God why am I allowed to enter and Michael condemned I believed you were a loving God and when we accept you we are guaranteed a place with you in the kingdom. Jesus replied in my word it says you must be doing my word to enter my my home, but your word says its by Grace were saved not by works Jesus replied if you love someone on earth you would go out of your way to show them I died for mankind that's how much I loved them. If love does not produce an action then its not love, its like the salt that lost its flavor.

Grace do we really know what is is, The Bible says God gives more grace to the humble in James 4:6 KJV
and in 2 Peter 3:18 it talks about growing in grace.
It seems that people think GRACE is a licence to sin but in fact its the opposite, Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ John 1:17 Jesus never said don't worry about you sin God understands no! he said 'Go and sin no more! Our trouble is we like sin but if we resist it the devil will flee  James 4:7.
I Just want to add that Muslims can have up-to 4 wives (not women only men) Jesus said we should only marry one, could the Calvinistic view (once Saved Always Saved) be the cause of people giving into sin the bible teaches we should imitate Christ 1 Corinthians 11:1 who was tempted in all way yet without sin Hebrews 4:11. There is an interesting verse in St John 5:14 where Jesus said 'Sin no more or a worst thing will happen to you'. I'm just pointing out a few things Jesus taught us not John Calvin or Jacob Arminius follow Christ who would never have taught such 'Slackness'

Some people cannot stop sinning and constantly struggle with sins of the flesh, if this is a problem which you cannot overcome seek a church with people who have experience with your situation never give up or feel ashamed about our problems pray to God for people who you can trust to pray with you, so you can be the man or woman of God he has called you to be.

Don't take the chance thinking all is okay because you were dedicated or baptized as a baby thinking it will get you into heaven, there is no entry with out the key which is in Christ Jesus.

Please check out my other blogs where I explain more about Gods Grace and Love. I'm not trying to say to people its no good being a Christian because I can not live as Jesus. The whole point of being a Christian is allowing Gods Spirit to live in us and through us.
I believe once saved always saved as long as we live according to the word of God through The Holy Spirit.

My Prayer Today is open the eyes of my heart


  1. For You, O Lord, are good, and ready to forgive [our trespasses, sending them away, letting them go completely and forever]; and You are abundant in mercy and loving-kindness to all those who call upon You. Psalm 86:5 AMP


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