Is Jesus Your Lord
Akiane kramarik Child Prodigy
A young girl who was brought up is an atheist home has been drawing pictures of Jesus from a very young age, and sold her first painting at the age of 7, Akiane has brought to the world an understanding that God anoints and gives gifts to whom he chooses. God uses the humble not the proud to show His glory, in that way it stops us as humans from trying stealing Gods glory.
A friend of mine said to me, that an elder was upset with me because I said people must be right with God to be a christian. I did not understanding that we all sin and God will take His time to make us right.
My reply was this, I know that we sin, that's why John wrote to Born Again Christians in the New Testament about confessing your sin as a Christian to be forgiven.
If we teach new Christians that they can carry on sinning until Jesus does something about it that is giving Christians a licence to live in sin. When Jesus died on the cross he gave us power to overcome sin in our lives.
Hence today's title 'Is Jesus Your Lord' if He was then the word Total Surrender would be what we aim to do each morning.
I understand that in Romans 8 it states their is no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus but it goes on to say to them that walk in the spirit, If we move onto Romans 12 it say's we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice,
My prayer is to let The Spirit of The Living God search me today so that I do not stray.
A young girl who was brought up is an atheist home has been drawing pictures of Jesus from a very young age, and sold her first painting at the age of 7, Akiane has brought to the world an understanding that God anoints and gives gifts to whom he chooses. God uses the humble not the proud to show His glory, in that way it stops us as humans from trying stealing Gods glory.

My reply was this, I know that we sin, that's why John wrote to Born Again Christians in the New Testament about confessing your sin as a Christian to be forgiven.
If we teach new Christians that they can carry on sinning until Jesus does something about it that is giving Christians a licence to live in sin. When Jesus died on the cross he gave us power to overcome sin in our lives.
Hence today's title 'Is Jesus Your Lord' if He was then the word Total Surrender would be what we aim to do each morning.
I understand that in Romans 8 it states their is no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus but it goes on to say to them that walk in the spirit, If we move onto Romans 12 it say's we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice,
My prayer is to let The Spirit of The Living God search me today so that I do not stray.
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