A Word Of Encouragement

The Word Of The Lord

I have been seeking God for a deeper relationship, in the area of communication.
It mentions in St John 15 about being in the vine, this is a metaphor or in other words connection to God. In the same chapter verse 7 it say's "If you abide in me and my words abide in you", So there is a relationship where words should be exchanged.
From the beginning of time God has been a God of communication, we see from before the garden of Eden, Elohim was speaking in Genesis 1:3 "And God said let there be light" The rest shall we say is History:
This morning while I was in my time of worship God He dropped  in my spirit a time when a friend of mine was staying with me and The Spirit of The Lord was upon him and started to commune with him, I asked him what God was saying to him one of the phrases he quoted was James 4:8' Draw near to God and He will draw near to you', there is another scripture which came to me this morning also which is found in Matt 6:33 it simply says See first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these thing shall be added unto you.
I was encouraged when I received this revelation  this morning, it clearly let me know that  all we need to do is to keep seeking God with all our hearts and he will answer. As our relationship we will walk constantly in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.
So My prayer today is Drawn me closer to you Lord!


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