Is Wales Getting Ready For Another Revival

I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All Flesh

This was first said in Joel 2:28 then repeated by The Apostle Peter in Acts 2:17 it is a promise from God to us God will touch us. This is a time that the church has been waiting for (I'm not specifically talking about the church as in a building) but as the sons of God that have been preparing themselves.
Jesus is coming for a spotless bride so we need to be right. How can this be I fail God so much when Jesus died on the cross He sent up the Holy Spirit and if we yield to him and give him total control He will move on us.
So are we ready for the next move of Gods Spirit in Wales I don't think so but the few that are ready for what God is about to do could spark the much needed fire.

George Verwer will be speaking at The Love Wales will have its official launch this Saturday 25 January 2014 I believe if the Christians got behind this project it could shake the nation. The aim is to bring Wales together as one!

Whenever true revival starts denominational barriers break down, and people start to move as The Spirit of The Lord Jesus Touches them.
Most people haven't seen revival this is why when ever theirs a stir people shout 'Its a revival'.

First of all revival is not man made that's religion.  
Secondly when real revival starts people know it, not everyone agrees with it because of our fleshly thoughts.
Thirdly people in the immediate area are affected by it
Fourthly recession does not affect it but true revival affect the economy.

These are just a few pointers from reading about past revivals and what The Holy Spirit has ministered to me.

Wales was known as The Land of Revival and I'm 100% sure were due another in my life time, could this event be the start of what Wales has be praying for only God knows.

I have an excitement about this year, believing it to be significant on his calender, the bible teaches us that God is looking to show himself through people who are yielded to Him 2 Chronicles 16:19.

Are you that person? Check out this free Event

My prayer today is to let me see people as you see them lord with potential to shake this world with the power of the gospel  


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