Do We Really Love Wales

A Good Start!

What a blessing it was to be at the launch of Love Wales, Jesus said in Acts 1:8 First in Jerusalem which was where they were! Its time for us as Christians to be a light where we are.

Marilyn Harry who what she was doing a 'Bread and Fishes' ministry do what you can with the little you have we serve a big God who will multiply what we give. Marilyn is truly a woman of God who has been commissioned by The Holy Spirit to help Re-Evangelize Wales to prepare us for the coming revival.

The main speaker for the launch was my friend George Verwer a man who is full of vitality, I don't believe a person will want to sleep when George is speaking, His lessons from life are real no pretense!
He just says it as it is. With a wealth of experience to be gained its always a blessing to be hear George.

David and Jan Holdaway
It has been my privilege to know David & Jan they are a couple on fire fore Jesus. They have have a desire for people understand that God has a passion for Wales (not only Wales) and
to see people operate in their calling. I thank God He has put me in a position to meet people who are on the forefront of what God is doing.

Not forgetting the people and churches who supported this event check out the link regularly and find out what we can do do be involved with bringing the gospel back to this land or wherever you are.

Prayer is a key to revival and it is important to remember that millions of people who are not celebrate or acknowledged here will have greater rewards in Heaven!      

Geoff and Jane Blease  
I attended Geoff workshop on knowing your position in Christ where he mentioned that we are seated above all demonic spirits as Christians we do have the power through Jesus Christ to change the world.

My prayer today is Let me be a world shaker for you Lord Jesus!


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