Once Saved Always Saved?

Complacency Another heavy topic, while talking with a friend yesterday we discussed this topic for a few minutes. I put this scenario to him: Two boys grew up together both give their hearts to the Lord while young, one believed in 'once save always saved (Tony)', the other did not(Mike). Both loved the Lord Jesus and did what they believed to be right. They both believed that if you truly loved God you would not sin! Mike had a lot of trials living the Christian life and backslide he knew he was living a life that was contradiction to The Word of God yet he continued on this path to destruction. Tony on the other hand stayed true to the word of God believing He was alright because he was living as a christian should because he knew he was fully saved. Both died and faced God in judgment Mike faced God first and was told you knew to live a life that was pleasing to me but you decided to walk in your own selfish ways so depart from me to your just punishment. Tony w...