Showing posts from 2015
Kat Kerr with GospelRaph part1
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Kat Kerr Revealing Heaven I had recently had the privilege to interview Kat Kerr live via Skype via Radio Cardiff I have always been interested in the supernatural so for me this was the interview that I have been looking forward to for a long time. The interview is in four parts here is part one if you enjoy it. I hope you will check out the rest of the interviews which I will post on my YouTube page over the next week. GospelRaph Youtube page It blessed me i hope it will bless you to. Revaling
Kat Kerr Interview with Gospelraph
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Spiritual Food A lesson from Heaven Kat Kerr will be my guest Sunday 29 November 2015. I am very excited to interview a holy woman of God who experiences heaven in such a way that we need to be taken out of whatever box we have from tradition or culture. Here is a link to the interview Sunday morning 8am to 10 am UK time if you ever wondered what heaven is going to be like check it out below is a link to the live show and also some links to Kat Kerr sites.
Is There Life After Death
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Heaven is Real Based on a true story about a minister who teaches about Jesus and the bible each week, then has his faith shaken when his son starts talking about his visit to heaven? The strange thing is that you would expect a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ to have a relationship to God. Your place in the ministry should be a Godly calling not just a job. Todd Burpo has a very close relationship with his son, but as death was knocking the door for his son, while on the hospital, operation table undergoing an operation Todd got angry with God meanwhile his wife asked the church to pray. This is a well-made film which answers many questions about the reality of heaven and God. This young boy Colton, talks about coming out of his body seeing his Dad shouting at God and the doctors working on him, he mentioned many unknowable things about his family relative’s which have passed on. After Coltons Heavenly visit he was a different child explaining to his dad not ...
May I Introduce The UK’s First Islamic Prime Minister?
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Islamic State In The UK My mother talked about the first black President in America in the 1960’s how crazy was that. My friend Lester Lewis sang about a Black man in the White house we thought it was a joke! In 2008 history was made when Barack Obama was elected as the first Black President of the United Stated WOW! I never saw that coming. When I was a child, growing up in Wales back in the 1970’s, black people were few and far between The National Front were in your face with their hatred of foreigners (blacks, Indians etc), there was an old saying “blacks take our jobs Indians/Pakistan’s our women” but it was accepted by most of the population ‘Know your place’. Back in the day black were called ‘Coloured’ nowadays Black and Proud is what we shout. I never expected President Obama to be voted in the White House personally I thinks it’s to show the world that racism is over, look at our President! It’s true we are living in a different world to wh...
Julie's Story
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Jesus Died For Everyone Julie grew up in a family feeling unloved and unaccepted to an unmarried couple living in South Wales. Life was traumatic for this young girl who was scarred throughout her childhood and adult life. Her story starts with a tale about stealing coal to live or freeze to death this is how it was for many people back in those days. Unfortunately for Julie, it was her dad that encouraged her to steal and therefore made her realize that a life of crime was acceptable. Our parents should be the ones we look to for role models, they should be the patterns we want to emulate and our children should also see us as examples in the same way. It’s sad to see a mother who neglects one of her children and idolises the other, the result being a dysfunctional family producing a disillusioned child. Throughout the book you will experience different dimensions of emotions, as you journey through Julie’s life experiences, from her as a drug dealer and...
Could This Be Your Reality?
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Will You Be Left Behind Nicolas Cage stars in this epic telling of the Left Behind series! How real this could be only God knows? But one this for sure is that I would not like to be left behind for any reason. What is meant by the rapture? Who is the Anti – Christ? Who is going to be taken and why? Is it possible for there to be an end to life as we know it on earth? I hope that I have your attention you might think it strange that Hollywood would use one of its biggest stars to act in a modern Christian movie which talks about Christian and Christians only being selected by God to be with Him in heaven! The Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins was first published in 1995. They have come alive as the last days on earth Apocalypse movies. This adaption of the movie is on the edge of your seat movie its enjoyable realistic and will make you think, is it possible what this movie portrays to really happen! Nicolas Cage plays the main ...
Try God
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Glory Bounce Riddim This reggae album ‘The Glory Bounce Riddim’ has a catchy tune that will go around in your head you will end up singing the songs or humming the tunes. This CD has various reggae artists, signing or rapping over the same tune, each artist giving their own interpretation to what God means to them. . I wouldn’t like to pick a favourite because every track has a life of its own given through the input of the artist featuring, Radic, Sista Sasha, Jason Mighty, Qraig, Rychus, Kyann Knight, Road Elf, Dale Brown & Truth and Gallimore Feat Shelly–Ann Watson which is an amazing combination. When I was growing up, reggae music seemed to have some hypnotic spiritual influence over people, looking back and knowing music transcends all social and religious barriers, it makes it easy to understand that reggae music comes from God and not the devil as people tried to insinuate. You may be wondering what I am saying about reggae music, my answer would b...
Korea and Revival
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Servant of Christ In 1866 a Welsh missionary named Robert Jermain Thomas sailed to Korea with a bible and handed it to a soldier who in turn decapitated Mr Thomas, his lifeless body fell to the ground this was just another death by martyrdom, added to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Over a hundred years later the same seed that fell to the ground has produce over 12 million Christians in South Korea today! A young boy who preached his first sermon at the age of seventeen in South Wales he came from a privileged background but gave it all up to follow the leadings that Christ had placed in his heart which he acknowledged in a letter a letter he addressed to New College London that he was called to sacrifice! He took to the task enthusiastically first travelling to Shanghai China with his wife Caroline Thomas in 1863 as newlyweds, after a few months she wife died 1835 – 1864. He had a gift for languages so he moved north to Chefoo nearer to Korea working i...
Muslim Challenge Christians
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Is Allah God Mohammed or Jesus? I believe Christians should govern the world, who ever said separate Church from state got it wrong even though the church very rarely gets thing right, there are so many denominations that Christians are confused about what the truth is. When I stated that Christians should govern the world I’m talking about people like King David, who The Bible said was a man after Gods heart. Dr Martin Luther King Jnr would have got it right. Abraham Lincoln was a good leader and many others; the problem is that many people behind our leaders give bad council. This blog is specifically aimed at Islam, it has been in the news with bad press since 11 September 2001, on one hand people blame the Muslims, on the other hand many people became Muslims claiming it’s a conspiracy against Islam! A person can believe what they want to believe, and thank God for that, but I wonder how many western Muslims would actually live in a Muslim state under s...
An Amazing Film
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Grace Card I hereby promise to: 1. Pray for you every day 2. Ask for forgiveness 3. Grant you the same 4. Be your friend always A roll call is given at a police station, officer Wright has just been promoted to Sgt Sam Wright, while he is waiting for his transfer he is asked to partnership with officer Mac McDonald, a racist who hates everything and everyone. Sam is a part time pastor who is called to love everyone. Is this partnership, a heavier load than what can be expected? Mac McDonald has a wife named Sarah who is trying her best to keep the family together but to no avail. Father and teenage son just can’t get along, they both seemed to have hit rock bottom. Sarah McDonald starts to see a psychiatrist about their son but she realises that the problem runs through the whole family. In contrast to Sgt Wright his prob...
Rise Up
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Zoe Selah Smith Music transcends all languages and has the power to change atmospheres. There is something about Christian music that is touched by Gods Spirit it truly moves all barriers to style or genre of music! Rise up and Praise The Lord is no exception Zoe is a woman of God who is anointed to sing gospel music. Back in the days when revivals were touching America, the healing Evangelist, they were accompanied by crusade singers, Zoe reminds me of those singers: Anointed of God to bring His presence to meetings. Zoe has a strong versatile voice which is capable of singing different genres comfortably. Her new release ‘Rise Up’ is tribute the talent God has given to her. The title track uses the Lord’s Prayer to convey a message that we are made to praise God it has a lively African flavour a perfect way to set the stage for the tone of the CD. Track two is one of my favourite songs ‘Born Again’ on this CD it has a chill out tempo which can help a person r...
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Some Still Say All Roads Lead To Rome A friend of mine spoke to me a few years ago about Christlam, what is this I asked he talked about an Islamic friendly gospel? How can two walk together unless they agree! See Amos 3:3 It is impossible for a Christian to say Allah is one God and Mohamed is his last messenger as Muslims claim. It is a lie from satan! who in their right mind would follow a so called prophet who at the age of 53 married a 6 or 7 year old girl and consummated the marriage at 9 justify it by saying it was the custom of the time? Then go and marry their daughter in law. (according to the majority of traditional hadith) I’m disgusted that the UK government think this is ok and we can live side by side with Islam ‘the religion of peace’ as long as you don’t show a picture of Mohamed because they will kill you. How can Christians say Islam is fine and we serve the same God? Our God has a Son named Jesus. God begets not nor ...