Try God

Glory Bounce Riddim

This reggae album ‘The Glory Bounce Riddim’ has a catchy tune that will go around in your head you will end up singing the songs or humming the tunes.

This CD has various reggae artists, signing or rapping over the same tune, each artist giving their own interpretation to what God means to them.
I wouldn’t like to pick a favourite because every track has a life of its own given through the input of the artist featuring, Radic, Sista Sasha, Jason Mighty, Qraig, Rychus, Kyann Knight, Road Elf, Dale Brown & Truth and  Gallimore Feat Shelly–Ann Watson which is an amazing combination.

When I was growing up, reggae music seemed to have some hypnotic spiritual influence over people, looking back and knowing music transcends all social and religious barriers, it makes it easy to understand that reggae music comes from God and not the devil as people tried to insinuate.

You may be wondering what I am saying about reggae music, my answer would be just check out the last 30 years of music styles and you will see that reggae has influenced more music genre than any other style of music.

The name Judah means praise and reggae music can be used to praise and worship God or it can be also used in spiritual warfare. The only caution I would add is that Satan was the music man in heaven or Media director and he knows how to corrupt what God has created to his own benefits, as long as we are walking with God what we produce will be to the Glory of God.  

My prayer today Lord Jesus is Bless you people and draw close to us.


  1. Amazingly well put. The Bible declares to go into the four corners of the earth and preach the gospel of Christ and salvation. Reggae gospel is the vehicle we use to spread the message of hope, love and faith some won't gravitate to the genre, but to each is own. As you listen to this project and others allow the message to resonate and connect with your spirit. So go now and get your copy of the #GloryBounceRiddim @iTunesMusic #TRYGOD


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