Korea and Revival

Servant of Christ

In 1866 a Welsh missionary named Robert Jermain Thomas sailed to Korea with a bible and handed it to a soldier who in turn decapitated Mr Thomas, his lifeless body fell to the ground this was just another death by martyrdom, added to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Over a hundred years later the same seed that fell to the ground has produce over 12 million Christians in South Korea today!

 A young boy who preached his first sermon at the age of seventeen in South Wales he came from a privileged background but gave it all up to follow the leadings that Christ had placed in his heart which he acknowledged in a letter a letter he addressed to New College London that he was called to sacrifice!

He took to the task enthusiastically first travelling to Shanghai China with his wife Caroline Thomas in 1863 as newlyweds, after a few months she wife died 1835 – 1864. He had a gift for languages so he moved north to Chefoo nearer to Korea working in the customs office it was here where he met some Catholic believers who had no bibles.

When you in the will of God your steps are ordered by Him we may not understand why we make some of the choices we make but God has a plan. Robert gave up his job and went with these believers to Korea in1864 and started to spread the word and give out bibles, this was a risk because if caught with a bible it could cost you your head!

The Regent of Korea Daewongun at this time was against western culture and wanted to kill 10,000 Catholic believers.

In 1866 the ship Mr Thomas was on, was attacked and destroyed but he got to shore still giving out his bibles and as stated earlier was killed while giving them out.

The story continues in 1890 Samuel Moffett 1864 – 1939 went to North Korea (sent by the same bible society that renounced Robert Jermain Thomas )as a missionary and met the twelve year old boy (Choi Chi Ryang) who received a bible from Robert Thomas just before he was beheaded. Now at the age of thirty eight became a Christian because of the life of the martyr Robert Jermain Thomas and many were elders in the church started by Samuel Moffett.

The rest is history!
South Korea has the largest church in the world and has prospered by God blessing the land. 

My prayer today is bless us so we can bless others!


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