Julie's Story
Jesus Died For Everyone
Her story starts with a tale about
stealing coal to live or freeze to death this is how it was for many people
back in those days. Unfortunately for Julie, it was her dad that encouraged her
to steal and therefore made her realize that a life of crime was
Book Available Here
Julie grew up in a family feeling
unloved and unaccepted to an unmarried couple living in South Wales. Life was
traumatic for this young girl who was scarred throughout her childhood and
adult life.

Our parents should be the ones we look
to for role models, they should be the patterns we want to emulate and our
children should also see us as examples in the same way.
It’s sad to see a mother who neglects
one of her children and idolises the other, the result being a dysfunctional
family producing a disillusioned child.
Throughout the book you will experience
different dimensions of emotions, as you journey through Julie’s life experiences,
from her as a drug dealer and many other unusual identities.
This book will answer the question can
a person who once knew Christ be lost?
Has God changed his mind about using
Could an experienced Christian be
jealous of a new Christian?
Does the devil use Christian to take
advantage new Christian with their lack of understanding.
You will be touched and amazed by this
story. This could be something you or someone you know might be experiencing.
They think that there is no way out,
yet she went on to find her true identity in Jesus Christ.
After reading this book you will know
that there is hope for everyone.
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