Could This Be Your Reality?
Cage stars in this epic telling of the Left Behind series!
real this could be only God knows? But one this for sure is that I would not
like to be left behind for any reason.
is meant by the rapture?
is going to be taken and why?
it possible for there to be an end to life as we know it on earth?
hope that I have your attention you might think it strange that Hollywood would
use one of its biggest stars to act in a modern Christian movie which talks
about Christian and Christians only being selected by God to be with Him in
Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins was first published
in 1995. They have come alive as the last days on earth Apocalypse movies.
adaption of the movie is on the edge of your seat movie its enjoyable realistic
and will make you think, is it possible what this movie portrays to really
Cage plays the main character a pilot who has had a bit too much bible from his
wife this has put a strain on the family because he is looking elsewhere for
comfort. The pilots daughter, who hates a God that has no interest in mankind,
and a TV reporter who is interested in truth no matter how strange it seems.
don’t want to give away too much of the plot but this film is well worth
watching I’m sure you will be entertained even if you don’t believe in the
bible or end time prophecies.

it has a good cast and some great acting as I
stated before this could be a real Biblical scenario.
people alive today who were born in/or before or the 1980’s would know something
has changed; I believe it has gone too far to return to good old fashion love
and respect for your neighbour, Maybe
this film has the answer?
I pray to be rapture ready don't won't to be left behind
ReplyDeleteAmen its important to walk with God stay blessed