Muslims Say Jesus Never Died

Did Jesus Really Die

Friday acknowledged as the day when Jesus, the Son of God was crucified by orders from Pontius Pilot. Although Muslims will say Jesus was never killed, but the truth is, if Jesus never died Christianity is a lie. It might be a strange event to follow a leader who died. I would not be so ignorant to do such a thing.  You see Buddha, Mohamed and Abraham died etc… 

The difference is Jesus died then rose from the dead three days later. Now you might say ‘well that happened 2000 years ago’ I would also agree with that statement, without a shadow of contradiction. The bible teaches us that the death of Jesus Christ, was to take our place, Romans 5 explains this fact, 

The strange thing is the Quran Surat Maryam 19:33 even stated that Jesus was going to die! What a strange fact to be found in a book which the religious Muslims leaders teach, Jesus never died. They claim, God saved him by taking Jesus to heaven (pity he did not do the same for Mohamed who was poisoned according to the Hadith (Sahih Bukhari 3:47:786). 

History teaches that Jesus was raised from the dead and he appeared to his disciples, they touched and also ate with him. Peter was crucified upside down by Emperor Nero, Paul was also beheaded the truth is all they had to do was reject claims that Jesus and spoke to them after his resurrection.

In fact most of the deaths of Jesus apostles can be traced by Hippolytus and Eusebius, Tacitus and Josephus Antiquities etc.  Many historical facts prove the death and resurrection of Jesus.
I would say besides biblical prophecy, the most important fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is us! his modern disciples who are still being martyred for the witness of Jesus Christ. 

Tune in Sunday morning UK time for an Easter blessing.


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