Real Revival Is Coming

God Is Still Speaking

Some people wonder why I'm always talking about revival, so today I will let you know the reason.
In 1992 God showed me The Millennium Stadium Cardiff South Wales and he said to me the meeting Katherine Kuhlman  talked about, where he heals everyone I will see before he comes back.

In 2006 God started ministering to me about revival, and then I experienced for the second time since I got saved a visitation, Only this time it was so intense God stepped down without a shadow of a doubt I mention it in this video. The Spirit of  God move strongly at the end of this 32 min vid.

Then in 2007 I was invited to the USA and saw what can only be described as a revival!
What do I mean when I say this? For the first time in my life the difference between 'revival' and 'visitation' was made clear to me.

Revival as the bible puts it is about people who were once alive to God think of it as the day you first me Jesus, the fire burns again or the flame is rekindled.
Now Visitation is a different thing to being revived a person can stay revived by seeking God and staying in his presence, but visitation is God tangible presence which can be felt in meetings now and then.

In the coming revival the Lord has shown me, that his people, who love him, and are seeking constantly a deeper relationship with him, will be so full of Gods presence, that as they walk pass the sick and infirm immediately they will be healed, as in bible times, when Peters shadow healed people.

This is coming and I am excited to know, we are on the edge of this great move of God, as the people get healed the papers and television cameras are going to be following the Christians.
What a blessing


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