An Interesting Conversation
What Happened To King Saul
I had an interesting Conversation with my guest on Sunday Alan Hamilton. He mentioned something what God spoke to me and what he reminds me of every now and then, 'return to your first love' that can be found in Revelation 2:4.
In 1 Samuel 15:14, the prophet Samuel says to King Saul "why can I hear the bleating of the sheep". This conversation was about Saul's disobedience to God.
God gave a command, to destroy the enemy or sin that would corrupt the nation, but Saul thought he knew best!
It was clear to me that God was letting me know, that all of us are required to serve God completely. When Jesus was asked what was the first commandment:
He simply stated "Love the Lord you God with all your heart".
It makes a person wonder, 'what it love' So many philosophers over the centuries have tried to put it down to what they 'feel or think', but God calls it a 'giving' see John 3:16.
Many people pervert the word of God, saying God is love and therefore anything goes as long as you love it.
Muslims often say that Mohamed was the first to set a limit on how many wives a Muslim man can have, ( 5 wives even though he had many more). They seem to neglect that Jesus said one wife to one man. All else is because of the hardness of your heart Matt 19:7.
We live in a strange world where people are marrying animals and calling it love. I see it this way if women marry women and men just married men forgetting all artificial insemination. Humans would soon be extinct!
I'm not trying to offend anyone this is my reality, Jesus wants all of us to know real love, if we don't understand love how can we understand God.
It has often been said, to be careful of a man who always talks about 'I' but isn't that what we often do when we talk about my feeling and my life or as the song says 'I did it my way'.
Is it time to take stock of our lives and recommit ourselves to God 'No more I that lives, but Christ that lives in me'
My prayer today is to sober me up so that I can see clearly to walk the selfless path you have called me to walk in Jesus name.
I had an interesting Conversation with my guest on Sunday Alan Hamilton. He mentioned something what God spoke to me and what he reminds me of every now and then, 'return to your first love' that can be found in Revelation 2:4.
In 1 Samuel 15:14, the prophet Samuel says to King Saul "why can I hear the bleating of the sheep". This conversation was about Saul's disobedience to God.
God gave a command, to destroy the enemy or sin that would corrupt the nation, but Saul thought he knew best!
It was clear to me that God was letting me know, that all of us are required to serve God completely. When Jesus was asked what was the first commandment:
He simply stated "Love the Lord you God with all your heart".
It makes a person wonder, 'what it love' So many philosophers over the centuries have tried to put it down to what they 'feel or think', but God calls it a 'giving' see John 3:16.
Many people pervert the word of God, saying God is love and therefore anything goes as long as you love it.

We live in a strange world where people are marrying animals and calling it love. I see it this way if women marry women and men just married men forgetting all artificial insemination. Humans would soon be extinct!
I'm not trying to offend anyone this is my reality, Jesus wants all of us to know real love, if we don't understand love how can we understand God.
It has often been said, to be careful of a man who always talks about 'I' but isn't that what we often do when we talk about my feeling and my life or as the song says 'I did it my way'.
Is it time to take stock of our lives and recommit ourselves to God 'No more I that lives, but Christ that lives in me'
My prayer today is to sober me up so that I can see clearly to walk the selfless path you have called me to walk in Jesus name.
I totally agree.