Crossroads Movie

Remember The Old Joke

Three men walked in to a bar etc… This film is set in a cafe, or diner as they say in the USA. A senseless murder of a wife and child a leads to a calculated plot of revenge. Situations are not always as they seem, and without a revelation from God we never know what is going on in a person’s life.
As stated, this movie evolves around people visiting a cafe, each one having their own personal issues in life to deal with;
One has given up on life, believing that there is nothing left worth living for, another is having marital  problems a young girl is running away and wants a fresh start etc… As the story is unravels episode of their past life are revealed, events are shown, which give an understanding to each characters, and  more importantly, what decisions were taken in their lives, to create their predicaments.

Each person in this film believed they were in charge of their own destiny, until they reached this cafe.  No one is guaranteed tomorrow anything could cause a change in our lives at any time, we often think we will be healthy, prosperous and live a long happy life, yet this is not always the case.

This outstanding thought-provoking film, highlights the fact that people are people, if there rich, poor, black or white, we all need relationships!
We need to learn love and practice forgiveness.
You will see that anger and bitterness can make a person ugly, but you will also see there is a solution to every ungodly situation.

Watching this film will change your attitude to life and encouraging you never to give up. Help others and do good, you never know if you will see them again; 
As the old saying goes never judge a book by its cover, our lives are read as open books, let the life of Christ be evident in our actions.

A great film with some unpredictable twist, add this to your collection, Dove family approved
Available from Authentic Media 
Surprisingly this complements my last blog.


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