What Truth Did Jesus Teach

Who Was Jesus Really Talking To 

Social Media has gripped the nation;
We can all say what we like!
Everyone has a right to do that, but is it the right thing to do?
What is the difference between what I am saying, and accrediting it to God?
Is God really saying what I am saying, or am I speaking what I am thinking!
Do I have the right to offend you?
If Jesus visited us today what would he say?
I'm disappointed with the lack of biblical knowledge Christians have. Many people died so we could have the word of God to read for ourselves.
What gratitude are we showing to our brothers and sisters who have passed on when we neglect the word of God?

People have said to me many times that Jesus only condemned the 'Religious' leaders. My bible states in Matthew 19:13-16, Jesus said to the rich young leader "you lack one thing sell all you have and follow me”. If you read it in context you will find that the man Jesus was addressing was a man who walked right according to the Jewish customs.
In another instance (Luke 9:57-62) a scribe said to Jesus I will follow you wherever  you go, Jesus answered The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nest; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
There are numerous other incidents where Jesus spoke in this way to his Apostles and disciples.
It should make us wonder, are we being deceived by the lies people are spreading about Jesus. The Bible is the word of God but it needs to be rightly divided see 2 Timothy 2:15.
God the same yesterday today and forever so we learn Hebrews 13:8 and quote but do our lives show this.

When we hear some of the rubbish coming from some of our pulpits, it makes it very plain to see why Christianity at this moment in time is so weak!

Is it time for the people of God to get ready?
God is waiting on us don’t be fooled thinking it is in his timing.
No! God Knows how long it’s going to take us to believe his word and put it into action.
The truth is FAITH is NOW (Hebrews 11:1)
Smith Wigglesworth was a man of faith and always stepped out believing God would do it again!
Evan Roberts stepped out in faith and he was used to turn Wales upside down.
Duncan Campbell stepped out, and God visited the Scottish Hebrides
D. L Moody stepped out and revival swept the UK and America etc….

The list is endless name we might know and of course many we will know when we get to heaven.

My question would be is your name the next to be added to the list?
Don’t be fooled God always chooses vessels to shake nations and in the same way he will appoint people to financially and physically support Gods ministry.

It has been said ‘God has no grandchildren’
He has sent The Holy Spirit to bring us into one, to walk in unity I would love to see denomination barriers broken down and Christians honouring one another as it was meant to be.

When it is all said and done ‘only what is done for Christ will count’.


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