What If Today Was Your Day To Go Home

So What!

Its sad to think that so many people even Christians have this attitude about life.
Que Sera Sera or 'What ever will be will be'
God called us to be lights to the world, as the Bible puts it, to make the Jews Jealous. How many of us could say we are making them want to be like us. It is sad when you look at the christian world today most Muslims think we are a joke with our do as you please lifestyles.

I remember the day I give my life to Jesus, no one had to tell me just keep living as I was and The Spirit of God would direct me when the time was right. No I knew to stop what I was doing and surrender to the risen Christ.
God created me to be like Him, we all come short of his glory but if we desire to be like Jesus, God will draw us closer to Him, as we age in Christ.

Have you noticed that most Christians grow colder as they grow older in the Lord. This should not be so, remember the bible teaches to go from Glory to Glory and grow in Grace.

Romans 16 from verse 17 onward it mentions that we should avoid people teaching division, offences contrary to doctrine. Paul also explains that we should not please ourselves See Romans 12 v 1&2 also   Romans 15 etc..  in this book  it is clear that we should live a righteous life according to the word of God, after all Jesus said give up all and follow Him, yet man is still saying don't worry we can do what we want, God understands they might as well say he does not care about the way we live.

The bible says that God doesn't want us to be ignorant! Do you think Jesus taught sin is ok, some teach God controls all, somehow I do not think so, Jesus taught sin no more. He would not have said this is we could not control our life style.

We all like to hear God blessings, but what about living right  and trusting God in good and bad times.
Do you remember the old song 'this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine' are we shining.
I think the world would be a different place if we really started to shine with The Glory of The Risen Christ

My prayer today is let Jesus be seen in me and through me


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