Misty Edwards Worshiper

Only A Shadow

Anointed by God to help bring others into a place where the presence of God is tangible. Is this possible a singer from Wales explained to me about some of the meetings she attended in London where she could feel the presence of God like a cloud and when she left the building it was as if oil like perfume had clung to her.
This is what I'm talking about! when you Spend time withn God like that everything else seem pale in comparison.

This recent live release by Misty Edwards Only A Shadow is a worship CD and video that will help bring in the atmosphere of worship where you are.
I Love Your Ways reminds me of how my Mother loved what Jesus loved and never wanted to do anything to displease Him. If you don't understand the love God has for you as an individual this album will encourage you and let you know He is pouring His love on you!
This style of music is not normally the music I don't normally listen to, but this is anointed worship. Playing it in the car helps you to focus on the task ahead.

Its a good value CD with a DVD included.
There seems to be a new modern style of new music tracks that are blessed by the hand of God,  so who are we to argue with what God is doing with the way young people are expressing their love and adoration. After all gifts come from God. As long as we don't abuse what God has given, don't let the devil steal what God has given us!

Its Available from Re-Vived


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