Love Whats It All About
Greater Love Has No Man Than This
Jesus Christ laying down His life for us!
In Romans 5 it explains about other people who may lay their lives down for a just cause, but a innocent for the guilty is very rare. Jesus died for us the only sinless person (even Muslim believe Jesus was born of a virgin) the only person to live a perfect life died for me and you, and everyone who has ever lived weather we accept Jesus or not!
Jesus death on the cross was for everyone sin all we have to do is accept it in your heart and confess it with your mouth according to Romans 10:9 The Apostle Paul gives a rundown of having the new birth, it moves you to talk about our risen saviour.
Is it possible to love someone and not talk about them?
Valentines day is coming up soon its a time where people let people know that they are loved, why don't we take time to let people know how much we love Jesus.
My concern is that Christians will be upset with other Christians for speaking the truth, when The Bible is a book full of truth.
It teaches Love
It teaches Correction
It teaches Discipline
It teaches Obedience
It teaches us to submit to each other in love husbands to wives an also wives to husbands, Let the greater among you be the servant. Jesus said "He came to serve not to be served"
Self its a condition that affects us all to see others greater than ourselves is a problem!
Those who surrender completely to Gods plan are the ones He uses to bring revival.
Check church history for men used by God.
I intend to be one used by God
Are you ready?
Jesus Christ laying down His life for us!
In Romans 5 it explains about other people who may lay their lives down for a just cause, but a innocent for the guilty is very rare. Jesus died for us the only sinless person (even Muslim believe Jesus was born of a virgin) the only person to live a perfect life died for me and you, and everyone who has ever lived weather we accept Jesus or not!
Jesus death on the cross was for everyone sin all we have to do is accept it in your heart and confess it with your mouth according to Romans 10:9 The Apostle Paul gives a rundown of having the new birth, it moves you to talk about our risen saviour.
Is it possible to love someone and not talk about them?
Valentines day is coming up soon its a time where people let people know that they are loved, why don't we take time to let people know how much we love Jesus.

It teaches Love
It teaches Correction
It teaches Discipline
It teaches Obedience
It teaches us to submit to each other in love husbands to wives an also wives to husbands, Let the greater among you be the servant. Jesus said "He came to serve not to be served"
Self its a condition that affects us all to see others greater than ourselves is a problem!
Those who surrender completely to Gods plan are the ones He uses to bring revival.
Check church history for men used by God.
I intend to be one used by God
Are you ready?
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