God is Love

Lets Show Love

Jesus demonstrated the perfect gift of love when He died for us on the cross. This is a common statement but how true is it to us. I remember a story about someone going to a church with a machine gun claiming to kill all Christians in the church. He said "all who are not Christians leave the church" out of about 300 only 10 were left in the church, when all the people left who feared for their lives left the gunman said now we can have proper worship.

When you hear stories like this where people are being killed for standing up for their Christianity, it makes us wonder where we really stand when we say we love God.

'God is love' we all are sure of that, but how do we experience love! It has to pass the tested between parties or how can we say we love! Love has to be proven with actions.

It is not easy to show the love Jesus demonstrated we need to bear fruit, now fruit takes time to develop, for some it may develop quick for others it will take a life time. All fruit will develop naturally as long as we stay connected to Jesus. This takes effort not 'works' we should love God and choose to seek him, praying, witnessing and worshiping should be the Christian life style.

I was doing an interview with a guest, on a radio show, they said there is no such thing as a Christian that thinks its ok to be a Christian, and not let anyone else know that they are one! Jesus said freely you receive and freely you give!

So many different Christian theories  it makes you wonder sometimes who or what is right. There is a good scripture which I think is relevant is found in Philippians 2:12 which says 'work out your own salvation with fear and trembling' we need to take it as we please.

Personally I think there are people who minister, who are not called of God, they are Christians who have zeal but not the calling so they are teaching excitement from the pulpit and not what God has directed.

I know a time is coming when people who love God will walking in truth, when revival comes it moves denomination aside and people worship in spirit and truth.

My Prayer for today is to allow me to walk in truth    


  1. Php 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

    2:12 Having set forth the example of Christ in such brilliant luster, the apostle is now ready to press home the exhortation based on it.
    The Philippians had always obeyed Paul when he was present with them. Now much more in his absence, they should work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.
    Again we come to a passage of Scripture concerning which there has been much confusion. At the outset, we should be very clear that Paul is not teaching that salvation can be earned by works. Throughout his writings, he repeatedly emphasizes that salvation is not by works but by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. What then does the verse mean?
    1. It may mean that we are to work out the salvation which God has placed within us. God has given us eternal life as a free gift. We are to live it out by lives of practical holiness.
    2. Salvation here may mean the solution of their problem at Philippi. They had been plagued with squabbles and strife. The apostle has given them the remedy. Now they are to apply the remedy by having the mind of Christ. Thus they would work out their own salvation, or the solution of their difficulty.
    The salvation spoken of here is not that of the soul, but deliverance from the snares which would hinder the Christian from doing the will of God. In a similar vein, Vine describes it as the present entire experience of deliverance from evil.
    Salvation has many different meanings in the NT. We have already noticed that in Phi_1:19 it means deliverance from prison. In Phi_1:28 it refers to the eventual salvation of our bodies from the very presence of sin. The meaning in any particular case must be determined in part, at least, by the context. We believe that in this passage salvation means the solution of the problem that was vexing the Philippians, that is, their contentions.


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