Revival Month Dedication

Revival Starts With You
charlie Stacey will be my guest 11-11-12  Charlie was a friend of the minister who baptised the Jeffery brothers who were converted in the Welsh Revival of 1904. Here his personal testimony and his stories from  this Revival Nation of Wales. Each year in November I dedicate  the month to revival. In 1904 Wales was visited by The Spirit of God, Evan Roberts was taken to heaven for 3 or 4  months where he communed face to face  with Almighty God for 4 hours. This is why his name stands out as the instrument used for revival. God chooses the vessel he want to use because he knows our hearts. This is why we should ask ourself, do I want to be used or am I luke warm. The bible teaches that God wants friends to communicate with and so hr can  show them things to come. It would be good to see God move across this land again I believe were at a time when individual revival will bring conviction to others & 'judgment will beguin in the house of God' that is where 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus name this is the real church. with true believers on one accord praising God.
Live Stream here 8am to 10 am every Sunday Listen and be blessed.


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