Evangelist or Revivalist

There is a difference
When I was a  child many churches and evangelist held what was called 'revival meetings'. Now I realise that they were just meetings with  a lot of publicity. How should revival be defined? Is there any real revival happening in the world today? Many people have passed who have seen revival.  Evan Roberts, Dr Edwin Orr and Duncan Campbell are a few men who have seen real revival which changed cities and nations. Now this is what I call revival, is there another type? In the New Testiment it was said of the disciples "These men turned the world upside down" I thank God for the example he has left us. What I often ponder is where are the revivalist? Would your neighbours testify to the fact that they see Jesus in you. Let us bless and stop complaining so much this is my determination.
Tune in Sunday Morning to hear Evangelist Dave Pritchard Founder of The Room 4 U. A man of God who feed and provides shelter for the homless and has compasion for the lost.  Whitney Huston


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