Is Wales In Revival
The Grace Outpouring

Wales a Nation so richly blessed with revivals has drifted far away from its former Christian days, however prayer seems to increase when it starts getting dark spiritually. Gods Spirit is moving in an area called Ffald-Y-Brenin I have just finished reading a book entitled 'The Grace Outpouring'. Its a book of revival with The Spirit of God moving in the district so powerfully that cattle, land and streems started to flourish. Sounds incredible, but God is drawing people to this little village from different parts of the world and touching them in a deep way so that the change is apparent to all. I was stirred to read about a lady from Australia who visited the retreat, who had Welsh roots but with a hatred for Wales. She went on a tour of a mine that her grandad worked and realised that her anger towards the Welsh was ungodly, she repented. A man gave her some coal to take back to her country when she took it to her church a revival broke out for 3 months with effects like what happened in The Welsh revival of 1904-05. 'What a mighty God we serve'! To learn more about what taking place read the book it will be one of your best investments especialy if you long for revival.

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