2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games
Have We Inspired The Nation
It was Eric Liddell who refused to race on a Sunday in 1924 because he was a man of principle who never wanted to dishonor God by racing on Sunday. His Olympic victory was portrayed in the film Chariots of Fire. The last words he spoke before he died were "complete surrender". I have just finished reading his biography of the same name, in a year when ' Inspire a Nation' is on everyone's lips. Mr Liddells life was a life of total surrender he spent many years of his life as a missionary in China and he was there throughout WWII. The book gives personal details of the treatment of Christian missionaries and Chinese sufferring in these war torn times. Eric Liddell always had a smile and gave 100% in all his work. When it comes to true Christianity its about putting others first Paul The Apostle said follow me as I follow Christ? from his biography you can realise that Eric Liddell walked as Christ walk with humility and determination. I thank God for people of this persuasion who have the magnetism and charisma to inspire. A man who gave up a secure future of fortune and fame to persue the heart of God. Be encouraged. This Book is Avalable @ authenticmedia

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