What Truth Did Jesus Teach

Who Was Jesus Really Talking To Social Media has gripped the nation; We can all say what we like! Everyone has a right to do that, but is it the right thing to do? What is the difference between what I am saying, and accrediting it to God? Is God really saying what I am saying, or am I speaking what I am thinking! Do I have the right to offend you? If Jesus visited us today what would he say? I'm disappointed with the lack of biblical knowledge Christians have. Many people died so we could have the word of God to read for ourselves. What gratitude are we showing to our brothers and sisters who have passed on when we neglect the word of God? People have said to me many times that Jesus only condemned the 'Religious' leaders. My bible states in Matthew 19:13-16, Jesus said to the rich young leader "you lack one thing sell all you have and follow me”. If you read it in context you will find that the man Jesus was addressing was a man who walked ...